
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Across the Pond to Grandmama's House - An Imaginary Map

"Across the Pond to Grandmama's House " is what I named my quilted project for Challenge Number 4 "Across the Universe".  My grandson feels like he is across the universe to me. Yes Skype and emails and What's Up and frequent airplane trips really help make him feel closer. I can't imagine not seeing him a couple times a week - almost every day through the computer.

I had talked about making him a quilted mat for driving his little cars on and this challenge was the perfect one to make an imaginary map of where I live and where he lives. 

I took several photos of it while I was quilting, so you can see all the textures of the thread painting.

I linked this post up with all the finished projects HERE. I am number 31. Hop over and check it out!

Thanks for following along...

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Progress on my Across the Universe Challenge Quilt

Luckily, we did not lose power today, during the winter storm.  We got a lot of rain, some lightening and thunder. We are suppose to get snow and high winds this evening. I unplugged my quilting machine, mid afternoon, while it was storming and I cut all the pieces for my quilt.  I arranged them on the cloud blue fabric. I peeled off the backing paper and ironed them into place. 

I took several photos of the whole process. This is not a tutorial.  I have explained raw edge applique before, so I am not going to explain it today.  I just wanted to show how I created my imaginary map. There is not a pattern either. I did not measure or try to get anything to an exact size. 

I created an imaginary quilted map of Boscobel, Wisconsin (our home) and the Atlantic Ocean and Amsterdam, the Netherlands (where my grandbaby lives). The distance between here and there seems like it is "across the universe". 

I draw the lines with a fine point sharpie.  That way I have a guideline to follow when I quilt it.

I plan to quilt (thread paint it) and bind it on Saturday. I will take it with me to the Netherlands.  Yes - I am going there!

Thanks for following along!

Links to Project Quilting in my sidebar.

The Project Quilting Challenge this week is ...

... "Across the Universe" --- Click here to get the details of the challenge over at Persimon Dreams Blog - Project Quilting.

I was traveling back home from a quilt retreat on Sunday and I pulled over and called my Mom and asked her to read the challenge to me.  I wanted to brainstorm ideas while I was driving.  For some reason, I think I need to know the challenge as soon as it is posted.  I have been thinking about is since Sunday. I have a great idea!  

Today, I finally gathered the fabrics.

I selected several textures.

I selected greens and browns.

I cut a variety of sizes from the fabrics. Kind of estimating what size I will need for each of the fabrics. I spent the evening ironing heat n bond lite to the back of the pieces. 

 I wanted to get all the ironing done, as we are suppose to have a winter storm tomorrow starting with freezing rain during the night and then up to 6 to 8 to 10 inches of snow in our area.  There is always a possibility of loosing power when we get freezing rain. I wanted to make sure I was ready, if we did, all of my applique pieces would be ready to cut.

I love the batik with the fish!  I can't wait to start cutting.

I am ready to create my challenge quilt --- Inspired by "Across the Universe"!

Stayed tuned for more later in the week.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentine's Fabric Giveaway Winner!

Congratulations Barbara Woods!

Barbara has three blogs:
Won't be a Quilter
A Simply Great
Sew We Go

I use and there were 2 duplicates, so I entered 42 and 21 won!

The prize is one yard of Red Vineyard Extra Wide Fabric -- 36" X 108" and I am paying the shipping to mail it to the winner.  I have contacted Barbara to let her know she won!

Thanks everyone for leaving comments on how you would use the red fabric.  Love all the ideas!

Enjoy your evening!


Getting Up Close with My Quilting --- Circles and Swirls for Kim

Update: June 6, 2015 
I am super excited for Kim Lapacek​ 's Modern Log Cabin Quilt that is going to the International Quilt Festival​ in Houston 2015.  I am so proud, that I quilted her quilt and that is going to the Festival! Kim posted about on her Blog  Persimon Dreams and facebook. 

Scroll down to see all the up close photos of the quilting.

I had so much fun taking photos of Kim's quilt.  I flipped it over, I rolled it, and I just kinda bunched it up as if you would crawl under it and cuddle up on a cold Wisconsin night.

Kim had a vision for the quilting and sent it along with her quilt.  The circles were too large to swing them around over 16" to have them intersect like her photo.  I added some swirls in the border and repeated them where the circles meet.  What a fun way to quilt a quilt!

If you want to know more about Kim's Quilt click here for all the details. Kim created this quilt for a Riley Blake Modern Quilt Challenge.
