
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Congratulations --- 3 Winners from the May for Me Team Up Giveaway!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to enter the May for Me Giveaway.  You all left such nice comments and I wish you all could win, but there were only 6 winners.  Three winners here and three winners on Chris' Blog. Thanks for sharing the giveaway on your Facebook pages, tweeting it, and posting it on your blogs.  I appreciate it so much!  

More May for Me Celebration Giveaways every Tuesday for Hodgepodge Patchwork Tuesday's Posts.  So stop by and enter every Tuesday in May - on the 17th, 24th, and 31st.  There may be other giveaways in May - to be announced.

Winner # 1 is Megan McCowan.  Megan wins the May for Me Note Cards.  She said, "Wow this stuff is so pretty and springy.  Love the bright colors!"   Congratulations Megan!


Winner # 2 is Lisa T. of Lisa T's Blog.  Lisa wins The Easy to Sew Quilt Pattern.  She said: " What cheerful cards and pattern! Great for summer!"  Lisa shared the giveaway on Twitter and on her Giveaway page on her blog at Lisa T's Blog.  Thanks for helping us spread the word.  Congratulations Lisa!

Winner # 3 is Linda Gilli of Stray Stitches.  She wins the Dye Candy Fabric from Chris at Dye Candy Fabrics.  She said, "Thanks for the opportunity to enter your wonderful giveaway!"  Linda posted the giveaway on her blog at  Stray Stitches.   Thanks for helping us spread the word.  Congratulations Linda!

Winners from the Dye Candy Blog:

#1 Artfully Caroline --- Easy to Sew Quilt Pattern
#2 Robin Who is Quilty as Charged --- Marcia's  Note Cards
#3 Joyce of J's Quilting Blog --- Hand Dyed Fabric

Thanks for joining in the fun of the May for Me Giveaways!  Spread the word about enjoying each day in May.  Take time to smell the roses, your fabric, and anything else that you enjoy!  

Enjoy May one day at time!



  1. Congratulations to the winners.

  2. Congratulations to all the winners of such a lovely and gracious give away.

  3. Congrats to all the winners and thanks for having the giveaway!

  4. Congratulations winners!!! Enjoy your prizes!
    We very much appreciate all the wonderful giveaways! They are so much fun!!


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