
Friday, May 20, 2011

FAQ's - Friday's Frequently Asked Questions

This week I posting from the hospital, as I am still with my Mom in a Hospital.  

She's had two surgeries this week and many tests. Yesterday and today in a step down Intensive Care Unit and tonight back in a regular room.  She is getting better, but still very sick.  She has Pancreatitis. Thanks for all the kind messages and prayers.  I have my lap top along so I can update family and blog of course.

How long does it take to get a quilt quilted? 

First you book your quilting date.  Mail your quilt, so it is in my quilt shop at least one week before your date. I will quilt your quilt on the day you booked or the day after that.  I quilt full time 5 days a week and I try to keep a very tight schedule, but sometimes life happens!

This week is a great example of life happening.  I am staying with my Mom in a Hospital out of town.  So I have contacted my customers that were scheduled for this week and next week. I will move them, kind of on a triage basis, as to which ones need to get done first, working with the customer to make sure the new date will work for them. For example two of the quilts for this week had no rush at all and they will be moved to July.  One of them had a "due date" of June 1st, so it will be the first one on the schedule next week when I am back to work.  I also save a day or two in each month for my quilts or emergency quilts.  So there is always a little wiggle room.  

Eight years ago when I first started my long arm quilting business, I decided that it was important to have a quilting schedule and be able to tell a customer when I can quilt their quilt.  So that is how I do it and it works!

How many colors of  quilting thread do you have? 

I carry over 150 colors of Perma Core - a premium quality Poly Quilting Thread.  It is amazing how many different reds, blues, yellows, greens, oranges, and purples there are to choose from.  How about just plain Purple, or Power Purple, Wild Violet, Lilac, Amethyst, Wine Plum, Grape, Lavender, or Orchid?  I also carry about 12 cones of the variegated threads.

What is your favorite color?  I love all Blues.  My favorite is a soft blue called Chambray.  Chambray reminds me of a soft denim shirt.  

Do you take photos of all the quilts you quilt?  Yes.  I add them to the photo gallery about twice a week.  Sometimes I have to wait to put them up if the quilt is a surprise or a gift for someone.  I take photos of customer's quilts  in my quilt shop or I lay them out on the guest bed if they are really big or I need a natural lighting.

Why do you take so many photos of your dog?  

Whenever I take photos of my own quilts, I spread them out on a white sheet on the floor and Gabby thinks I am there to give her some attention. She loves to be the center of attention.  

Each week I will answer email questions.  If you missed a FAQ's post, I have put the all on the questions and answers on my website on the FAQ's Page.  If you want to see the original posts, because they have the photos with the questions, click on FAQ on the labels in the side bar.

Don't forget to enter the drawing for this week's May for Me Celebration Giveaway. It's a Double Giveaway!

Enjoy May - every day where ever you are! 



  1. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your Mom thru this ordeal. I enjoy your posts, but always, family first.

  2. Wishing you mom a speedy recovery.

  3. This was an interesting post. I enjoyed learning about the "how" of what you do! Please make sure you get some rest! We are continuing to pray for your mom.
    Jacque in SC

  4. I love to see Gabby enjoying your quilts. :)


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