
Monday, June 27, 2011

Getting Up Close with Wiggle Line Quilting in Special Areas

On Monday, June 13th I featured Wiggle Line Quilting.  Today we are going to take a look at Wiggle Line Quilting in Special Areas of the quilt or of the block.

On this quilt I wiggle line quilted on the whole block.  I think it gives it a bit of a modern look.
I outlined with wiggle line quilting on the outside border of the embroidered blocks in this quilt. 

Here is the back of the quilt.

I quilted with wiggle lines right down the center and in the triangular sections.  It softens the sharpeness of the zig zag pattern.

The quilting of the wiggle lines was used for the crosshatching pattern on this quilt.

How about a double wiggle line quilting in the blocks and through the strips? 

Think about adding the wiggle lines everywhere.
Another view of the double wiggle lines.

You can wiggle line quilt into the square and back out again and then continue through the lattice to carry the look through out the quilt.
I am just rolling it off the machine rollers to get ready to trim the edges!  The wiggle lines really do soften the appearance of the quilt.
Check out the wiggle lines on the house block.

Really gives this quilt a unique look.

You have seen this quilt before.  It is the Primary Colors Baby Quilt.  It was one of the quilts that was displayed in the Organic Valley Quilt Show. I made the quilt in January for the first challenge of Project Quilting.  

I quilted it with Zentangle Quilting (Wachuta Doodles) in each block. This block has the wiggle lines at an angle. Click here to see all the posts on the Baby Quilt.

The possibilities are endless with wiggle line quilting. You can try it just about anywhere!

Have a great Monday!  


  1. I love your quilting, it really shows off those pretty quilts! If I ever make a quilt I'll send it your way. :)

  2. I love the wiggle line quilting! Do you set your machine on a serpentine stitch or do you just do it free-motion?

  3. Sandy,

    I am going to answer the question right here and in a personal email reply to your comment. I quilt professionally on a long arm quilting machine. I manually move the machine to create unique and free style designs. Some long arm quilters call it free motion. I use no patterns or set stitches. It is all free style moving the machine and stitching. See my webpage for more info

    I share the photos to inspire others to try new styles of quilting either on your regular machine or a quilting machine.

    The wiggle line stitching can be done on a regular sewing machine too with a walking foot or a darning foot with your feed dogs down.

    Thanks for asking the question...that's what blogging is all about ... learning and sharing with everyone.

    Thanks! Marcia

  4. What an excellent example on many quilts using the same, but different. Just lovely.

  5. You do nice work! What is the 3D Fruits and Veggie pattern called? I've never seen anything like it before. Very cool!

  6. Luci and other interested persons,

    One of my quilting customers made the veggie and fruit table runner and I called her and she will check for the name of the pattern and get back to me and I will post it here.

    I also will email Luci directly.

    Thanks for asking!


  7. Marcia, These are just beautiful! Thanks for showing these. Maybe one of these days I will take the big leap and try to free motion....but then again, maybe I'm not ready! LOL
    Jacque in SC

  8. You make them look so easy; I would never get mine so straight--in a wiggly kind of way. (like on the cross hatching). The quilts are great too.

  9. I love wiggle lines and they are fun to do on a long arm. By the way machine all fixed and I am up and running again. Keep sharing your pics, love seeing what you do.

  10. Thank you Marcia for the heart pattern that Tonya is sharing today..I am looking forward to learning how to do paper piecing..your hearts were the red one..

  11. Marcia..your first one with the ric rac is very as you say modern..yes it is but also contemporary with its soft this one best

  12. Marcia..your first one with the ric rac is very as you say modern..yes it is but also contemporary with its soft this one best


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