
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hodgepodge Patchwork Tuesday - Sewing with My Mom

This past weekend Mom and I sewed Plastic Grocery Bag Dispensers. Mom wanted to make some gifts for all her drivers for radiation, for all the people that help her at the Cancer Center, and other caregivers.  We are very thankful for all the care and help that many are extending to her during this time of need.
I set up our little sewing shop at Mom's dining room table.  I sew and Mom turns the straps inside out. I brought Toby along to visit Mom.  He jumped up on her lap to help her. See him in the background of the first picture.

We completed 16 bags.  I had to bring home 6 more to finish, as she needed at least 22.   

You can hang them on a door knob or you can hang it on a hook.  This is where I hang mine.

I will share a tutorial on how to make the dispenser later.  Sorry... too busy sewing the bags in the evenings after I am done working (quilting).  It is simple and fun to make.  They do make a very useful gift.
Our friend Kathy took our picture.  Gabby and Toby wanted to be in the picture, so I picked them up.

But Gabby just wanted to kiss my Mom...
I kissed her too!

Thursday I am going to my Mom's again, as we are going to the Open House for new Rainbow Hospice facility in Jefferson County. Hospice took care of my Dad years ago.  

Mom and I make and donate comfort pillows and have been doing that for about 15 years. Recently we made urine bag covers too.  We also made and donated a Passage quilt for them in the spring of this year.  Every year I make a quilt for the Fireside to raffle for Relay for Life.  This year they chose to raffle it for Rainbow Hospice.  I am looking forward to seeing the new hospice facility.

Thanks again for all the positive thoughts and prayers... 


Linked with:
Freshly Pieced: WIP Work in Progress - Oct. 12, 2011 


  1. Lovely post sweetie! Glad to see you and your Mom sewing again - and the pups look happy, too.

  2. This was a wonderful post! How is Toby doing on his healing? I see he still has to be in a t shirt. He looks cute in it.

  3. What a blessing you were able to spend that quality time with your Mom! Loved this post. Glad Toby got to love on her a bit.

  4. Fun!! :D I hope my girls will sew with me when they're settled down.

  5. Oh, Marcia, I absolutely love the pics of the two of you. Just wonderful.
    hugs to you both

  6. Wow...nice that you can spend some meaningful time with your mom...wish I could...she's 600 miles away but I get to talk to her whenever I want...

  7. So glad to see you two stitching together again. Your mom looks wonderful. Who would know she's been through so much lately, Thinking of you both!

  8. Hi Marcia to see them together by sewing beautiful, her mother looks great. Argentina today in my country we are celebrating on Mother's Day
    love to the two


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