
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Outdoor Wednesday - Photos to Inspire My Quilts

This is the coolest caterpillar I have ever seen!

Took some photos at different angles.
Real closeup of this one.
I don't think the caterpillar will be the next photo to inspire my quilting, but it will be sometime in the next year.  I really like the little stones in the background. It would make me quilt some really detailed textures.

I love taking the photos and dreaming of the possibilities of creating them into quilts.  This one would be a good challenge for me!

I am linking this post up with my Minutes for Me Linky Party.  Sharing is something I love to do! See the links below.

I do see quilts everywhere!    Do you?

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  1. You know, I cannot wait to see what those photos inspire you to do!

  2. Fun and unusual photos. I hope you are inspired to make a lovely outdoor quilt. My quilting projects are in my closet waiting for me to be inspired to sew. Sigh! One day.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
    Blessings, Jeanne

  3. It will be interesting to see how you interpret these little caterpillars into a quilt and yes I do think quilt in most things I look at especially in nature . Happy Thanksgiving :-0

  4. Is that one of those little caterpillars that prick you if you aren't careful? My daughter once knelt down on one accidentally and had awful marks where it pricked her. Hurt like the dickens.

    I too an interested to see how that plays out in your imagination.

  5. I thank you so much for linking in this week. It is an honor to host Friday's Flaunt and meet new friends and visit the regulars (who are like old friends) who share. I am always excited to tour each post and see the different flowers/ projects and garden art that everyone flaunts. It is a pleasure to tour and see all the gorgeous blooms...and I appreciate each and every link and comment! I have shared your post today with my facebook page for Tootsie Time. I hope you will link in again soon!
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

  6. Hi Marcia! That's a Wooly Bear Caterpillar. The wider the red band the warmer the winter, for so the story goes! I see a quilt in neutrals!!! Thanks for stopping by, so nice to meet you!

  7. I was also going to say, that's a weather wooly worm....predicts the winter.

  8. Little Caterpillars are anticipating the winter, just as we are.

  9. I think the colours in these photos would make a gorgeous quilt!

  10. What a sweet little fuzzy fellow.

  11. Both these fuzzy little guys are so cute. I haven't seen caterpillars in years around here, just those annoying cut worms that we squish if we see them on our plants. Loved your photos. How fun to think you create quilts from great inspiration like these little fuzzy guys.

  12. Great details of this little guy in the last shot.

    Happy MM

  13. Your quilts are drop sad gorgeous....oh, how I wish I could quilt like you. So much talent and beauty in your works. Love the photos of the stones and the caterpillar. The colors will be wonderful in a quilt. I am so happy I found your blog tonight. genie


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