
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Quilting Prize for Occupy Your Sewing Room

I am offering a quilting prize for the Occupy Your Sewing Room Event.  Barbara came up with a great idea to get us into our sewing rooms in December, so we can finish our Christmas sewing and quilting. Then she is hosting a Linky Party on December 11th for all of us to share and enter the drawing. She offering prizes...  plus 
I came up with the idea to offer a chance to win:
$30. Off the Quilting on a lap quilt or larger.

Your Gift Certificate will be good for any day of your choosing in January 2012.

*Bonus: If you win and want to mail your quilt top to me ASAP.... I would quilt it right away, before Christmas and get it back to you ASAP. Close to Christmas or right after Christmas - depending on the mail and distances. Winner pays for shipping. So get your quilt ready for December 17th, when Barbara announces the winners! 

How to enter the drawing:

Leave a comment starting on December 11th to the 17th at the Linky Party at Cat Patches Blog to enter the drawing.

The Winner will be announced on December 17th at Cat Patches Blog and here on my blog!

Let's get in those sewing rooms now!
    My quilting room is where I quilt all day and ...
My dining room table is my sewing room.
Occupy Your Sewing Room with everyone!

I'll be in my Sewing Room...

So hop over to Cat Patches Blog  and check it out. 
Help her spread the word with her Occupy Your Sewing Room Button and Link.

Here's my Week of Sewing post! - December 11th

1 comment:

  1. I have never been to her blog. I will hop on over...only the 'cat' part scares me a bit. :)


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