
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hodgepodge Patchwork Tuesday - Quilt Inspired by Tools - Part ONE and Prizes!

First, I want to tell you about the wonderful prizes, I won for just participating in Project Quilting - 2012.  There are six challenges in the regular season and we have just started the third challenge.  You can check it out and join in the fun and win prizes too! There is a Project Quilting link in my sidebar.
I won a pattern from StudioCherie! 
Cherie gave a free pattern to EVERYONE that participated in the first challenge! I chose a Travel Duffle Pattern.  I plan to make a bag, this summer when I sew at our camper. Hop over and check out her wonderful patterns and handmade items. Thanks Cherie! Here's her blog!

I also won a layer cake of my choice from the Fat Quarter Shop!  This is what I chose:
I picked Blueberry Pie, because I love blues!  Hop over and check out all the wonderful fabrics they have a  Thanks Kimberly! Here's her blog!

But it is not about the prizes, it's about Project Quilting inspiring quilters to create! 

This week, the challenge is "Tool Time". Tools are to be your inspiration for designing a quilt.

My inspirational tools are a large pusher shovel, a small shovel, a broom, and an ice chopper, (not in the photo - it's in the shed as our snow is melting).
I use these tools to shovel all the little paths in our yard in the winter.
I shovel the path around to the back side of our house that leads to my quilt shop entrance.
Here's where the path curves around to the back and goes by the pond and bird feeders.
Then the path turns back towards the house...
to my quilt shop door.  I have two windows on this side and one on the other side.  One day, I will take you on a tour inside.
As you leave the shop you curve back around and ...
... across to the front of the house and thru' the  trellis. In the summer, that is where my Morning Glories bloom!  <-- Here's the link to the posts about the quilt I made inspired by the blooms.
I show you all these paths, as they are kept clear of snow and ice with these winter tools. I have to admit that my husband helps keep the paths clear too... I don't do it all.  
We have several paths to shovel in the winter in our yard. There is one that goes from the garage to the shed and to the garbage cans and the burn barrel.  On the other side of the house we have a path to take our little dogs outside in the winter. So our winter tools are a necessity to uncover the paths.

As I start creating my quilt, I laid out the fabrics.  I am using the batik blues from my Blueberry Pie Layer Cake that I won.
I pulled out the blues. When I laid them out, I chose not to use the lightest blue. Oh... they are so yummy!

They don't look as blue against the white quilt.
I will start with separating the 10 inch squares with black 1 1/4 inch strips.  I can't show you my sketch today as it will give away what I am doing. 
I sewed a strip on the top of each square.

I sewed the squares together in three rows of four squares.
Then I added a long strip to each side of the center row and the right side of the right row and the left side of the left row.
I lined them up offset and then sewed them offset.
This is my temporary design wall. 
It's the sofa and a cedar chest with the white side of quilt, as the back drop for the photos.
This is the fabric I will use for the next step.  I will give you a clue.  I am going to rotary cut it in a really cool way to add the blue fabric.
I have been saving this blue for the perfect quilt project.  This is it!
Enjoy your day!
Update: click here for Part two
Linked with:
Kim's Crafty Apple: Project Quilting Challenge 3 - Feb. 5, 2012
Lawson and Lotti: Tutorial Tuesday - Feb. 7, 2012
Chef in Training: Tuesday Talent - Feb. 7, 2012
Quilt Story: Fabric Tuesday - Feb. 7, 2012
Quilting by the River: Linky Party Tuesday - Feb. 7, 2011 NEW Party
Freshly Pieced: Work in Progress - Feb. 8, 2012
The Shady Porch: Rock'NShare - Feb. 8, 2012
Faith, Grace, and Crafts: Pearls and Lace - Feb. 9, 2012


  1. OH I AM IN LOVE! You know I want those blues and so will have to go 'a shoppin'. I look forward to your completed challenge.

  2. Beautiful, I always love batiks! It was fun going for a walk outside to your quilt studio too!

  3. I like those blues also my son said he likes the one with trees too.
    Stop by for my quilt givaway to guess my babys b-day and weight.

  4. Love those batiks...great choice!!! Look forward to seeing your finished project! TFS

  5. Oh my heavens! This is so pretty already! Can't wait to see what you will do to make it even more spectacular :)

  6. Oh, love the pretty photos of your landscape, and those blues -- can't wait to see what you do next!
    I hope that I do not offend you, or that you would prefer to have an "award-free" blog, but I sincerely value your blog and enjoy it very much. I have nominated you for the "Versatile Blogger" award over at Lilypadquilting(dot)blogspot(dot)com. Thanks for being an inspiring part of my day!

  7. Marcia, I can't wait to see what you are going to do with that quilt. I love it. Thanks for the tour too. Really looking forward to seeing your duffle.

  8. I think it looks lovely...congrats on your wins too!

  9. Wow looks really interesting, thank you for linking up

  10. Such pretty blues! I'm in love with all the pretty pieces together too...and that layer cake pile of yumminess too! Fabric envy over here!!
    Blessings, Doni

  11. I had to pop back in here to see what your inspiration to go see the completion!


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