
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Are you a NEW Quilt Blogger?

Last year, January, I was a new quilt blogger with only a couple followers.  I just kept posting and sharing my quilting and quilt projects. I was having fun..... but I felt like I was sharing and no one was reading... But it kept growing and growing. More people found me!  YES!  Some thru' other blogs and some thru' Linky Parties. I would Google search for quilt blogs to read and follow. I checked out, who others were following, to find new quilt blogs to read and follow. Recently, I decided to add the Linky Party for NEW Quilt Blogs. 

If you have less than 50 followers, please add your blog link to the NEW Quilt Blog Linky Party and maybe -- just maybe a few more people will hop over and check out your new quilt blog and follow!
No guarantees -- just possibilities.

It will be open for all of 2012 and 2013. Update and 2014!
So click on the NEW Quilt Blog Linky Party Page and add your Blog link.  After you add your link, grab the New Quilt Blog Button with the back link to my blog, so others can come here and add their NEW Quilt Blogs.  Thanks!
Have a wonderful day and don't forget to take time to play!


  1. Lovely idea - I am going to have to visit!

  2. haha! I only have 40 followers, but I'm not really "new" anymore - it's been at least a year and a half since I started blogging - is it like yoga where I'm a perpetual "beginner"?

  3. Hi Marcia, thank you so much for the idea, it's a great opportunity for people like me!

  4. P.S.: I'm so new that I couldn't just grab your button, but copied the picture and pasted the link as a caption to it.

  5. What a great idea! I wish there was a linky party when I started.

  6. are sooo thoughtFULL and nice to do this!!


  7. Nice idea for sterting bloggers and for those whom have not many followers! Have a great day!

  8. This is a great idea, thank you for the info because I am a new blogger myself and would like to get around to others.

  9. Apparently I need help putting your button on my blog.

  10. Hi Marcia, I stopped by from Ginny of Fish Creek Studio. She mentioned about your new linky party in her blog and would like to say a big THANK YOU for giving new bloggers like me an opportunity to connect with other bloggers with the same interests.

  11. I did it! I have just a few followers. I started the blog just to share what I'm doing with my dad, but a couple of other people have actually stumbled across me as well. I still don't know how most of the blogging tools work.

  12. I am really new and want to link up. I am not clear on what url link to insert in #1. My blog or your blog. In #2 what title should I enter? help

  13. Stuck as well - I think I h ave managed to add a follow button to my blog but not sure what to do next to link back to yours
    Help please. Very new to this

  14. Thanks Marcia!!!...Big Hug.
    I had join in your linky party for a month. I start my first blog 9 months ago and only have less than 10 follower. I would like to say that it's a very good idea for this party and thanks again for the great opptunity.
    P.S. I can't fine HTML code for Button, usually I found it below button pic. Is it OK if I post about our linky party and link to this page?


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