
Friday, June 1, 2012

BINGO Items at Tonya's Hillbilly Handiworks today!

Hop over and check out the BINGO Items at Tonya's Hillbilly Handiworks today!

Good Luck!  Are we going to get a Blackout today???

Still time to enter the last May for Me Charming Giveaway - Here! - Enter up til Midnight CST tonight - June 1st.

Monday the Fabric Garage Sale Linky Party starts! Here is the Information.  You can link up, even if you only have one piece of fabric to sell or you can check it out and get good fabric deals! Join in the fun!
Enjoy your day!


  1. Hope you have safe travels today - sorry you have had another funeral to go to. Praying that you will feel God's comfort in the coming days....

  2. Marcia, I just wanted to say thanks so much for all your hard work on the Bingo Games! It was loads of fun and I really enjoyed it... you girls did a great job putting it together :*)


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