
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hodgepodge Patchwork Tuesday - Place Mats and Mug Rugs

Yippee! Hodgepodge Patchwork Tuesday is back!  I took a break during part of April and all of May!

Today, I am sharing how I made 2 place mats and 3 mug rugs.  I started with several 3" strips from 4 fat quarters. I had a couple yards for the backing fabric and I used it for the binding too.

I stitched all the strips together, first in groups of two and then stitched the rest together, until I had them all together in one long piece.

Alternating the colors .... Red strip, dark strip, red strip, dark strip....
Press/iron the striped piece. By the way, my Mom did the pressing! We did this project together the week before Mother's Day. 
Then turn is sideways and rotary cut 3" strips across.  This creates strips of blocks.
 Line up the blocks to form a checkered board pattern. 
 Line them up and stitch them together.
 I forgot to take a photo before I quilted it.  I had added all the scraps to the right side to make it larger so when I quilted it, I could make matching mug rugs. You can see that the pattern is scattered on the right side of the quilt in the picture below.
After I quilted it, I rotary cut it so I would have 2 place mats and 3 mug rugs on the right side.  
 This picture shows it better...
 I embroidery stitched the binding on the place mats and mug rugs.
 A few "up close" photos of the quilting.  I chose to do meandering with leaves and swirls.
When I quilted the whole quilt, I figured out where I would cut when it was done, so that I could add (stitch) our names to the right bottom corners of each place mat and the mug rugs.
 Again, another fun quilting project made by a pretty good quilting team! I am adding this to the Minutes for Me Linky Party this week, because it was definitely Minutes for Me ---- with my MOM!

This is the only photo I took of the backing. I used the same fabric for the binding too.

I lined them up on the table, so you can see how they were a whole piece of quilted fabric and then cut into 5 parts to make them.

As I said before, I am adding this post to the Minutes for Me Linky Party and several other linky parties that are listed below. It was Minutes for Me, from back in May.  It was really a "Bonus" Minutes for Me, because it was quilting with my Mom!

Have you checked out the Fabric Garage Sale Linky Party? Here - I am adding fabrics everyday -- it's the whole week!  You can join in the fun too!

Enjoy your day!


Linked with:
This week's Minutes for Me Linky Party - It's right here - I'll add the link on Thursday. Check out the current party here.
 Pieceful Life: Little Quilts Monday


  1. Well, purty we say in the south!

  2. Fun project, and its a beauty too : )

  3. What a fun project with your mom! As always I just love your quilting! Thanks for sharing!
    Quilting at the River Linky Party Tuesday

  4. Love your placemats and mug rugs, I will have a look for some fabric and start making them soon, because I love to use them on our new table outdoors (as soon as the rain stops!) Greetings

  5. Cute project looks like it was fun.
    I ran over from the Sew Happy Geek Linky Party and now am a follower.

  6. Very pretty! I like your use of an embroidery stitch to attach the bindings. I'll have to try that.

  7. love your mug rugs....such vibrant color

  8. Love the colours of your placemats and mug rugs. They turned out great.


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