
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Think Christmas!

Let's start with an assortment of Christmas Fabrics!  Use large prints and small prints. Choose the colors you like.

Then add blue fabric strips. Again choose your favorite blues.

I cut my strips 1 1/4 inch wide by whatever length the scraps were.

Randomly, sew together two strips.

Sew the sets of 2 strips together to make sets of 4 strips.

 Keep sewing strip sets to strip sets.

Time to press. I used a spray starch - Best Press.

 Press the front side and the back side too!

Then press the back side again so the seam allowances are all going one direction.

Trim one side.

 Rotary cut 1 1/4 inch strips.

Mix them up!

Randomly sew them together.  Do NOT Match the seams!  I will repeat that --- Do NOT match the seams. They can be close, but don't try to line them up.  There are too many different fabrics and they all pull and stretch.  And this is a fun project.  No precise piecing.  Just sewing for fun! Enjoy it!

Just sew --- don't match them up!  Just have fun!  Don't worry if you get some of the same colors right next to each other.  It doesn't matter.

I sewed enough strips together to make three hot pads.

Press again.

See they don't match and it still looks cool... well at least I think it looks cool.

More blue squares in this section.

Remember some of the fabrics were large print and some were tiny print.

Trim the edges.

Now they are ready to quilt. Hopefully, I will find a little time in between customer's quilts sometime before Christmas! I will quilt it with a small meandering.

I placed my Corningware casserole dishes on the hot pads, so you can imagine how they will look on my sister-in-law's table at Christmas.  She has Christmas dishes and pretty plates and glasses.  They will look very festive together.

My sister-in-law hosts Christmas, so I always make the table runners for her and I noticed she needed hot pads.

This is my one Christmas bowl.

Remember I did not match up any of the intersections.  I was just playing and having fun!

The bottom left one has more blue squares. I like it best!

My Think Christmas Blog Hop Giveaway is:

A Quilting Prize ---

Free Quilting,

Free Batting,

and Free Thread

on a table runner, a couple place mats, 4 mug rugs, or a table topper or a small wall hanging or on some hot pads!

The Quilting Giveaway is open to everyone!
Winner pays shipping both ways and provides the quilt top and backing fabric.

To enter please leave a comment --- 
Tell me what color you would choose to add to your Christmas fabric if you were making hot pads like mine.

Giveaway ends at Midnight on Wednesday, August 8th and will be announced later in that week.

I was unable to reply to any of the comments for the last blog hop and giveaway, because my daughter got married that week, but I plan to reply to all of them this time.  Please make sure I have your email, if you are no reply blogger.

Now hop along and visit all other blogs that are Thinking Christmas!

Thank you Lesley at the Cuddle Quilter Blog for hosting such a wonderful Blog Hop
Thank you Samm at Sew We Quilt Blog for your wonderful ideas for Blog Hops!

Here is the list for today:

August 1

Celebrate the joy of creating, sewing, and quilting!  Take time to play and Think Christmas!


  1. Awesome I will need to try this sometime soon! I liked the way they came out too! Thanks for sharing!

    Lv2sew 2011 at yahoo dot com

  2. I'd add blue since its my favorite, THANKS for the neat idea

  3. I really like how yours looks with the blues.

  4. I think I'd add lime green to mine. Great idea. Thanks for the chance to win.

  5. I would add gold and Purple.They ad suck depth!

  6. Oops, ment to say they add such depth, LOL!

  7. What a brilliant tutorial - thank you so much for sharing. I love your hotpads as is but if they were mine I guess I would add more Red as its my favourite colour!

  8. What a fun and easy project! I have a pretty good mix of Christmas fabric colors but think maybe I should add a little "gold" to the mix!

  9. I love blue so more green is the chosen one
    Thank you, Marcia for the tut, for not matching seams, colors just to play with fabric.

  10. So creative and wonderful. Thank you for sharing today.

  11. Thanks for sharing the hot pad tutorial. I'd add some golds to the Christmas fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win.

  12. WOW! Those turned out great! Mine would have gold, burgundy and green in them. Thanks for the chance to win! I've never had anything quilted with a long arm quilter---would love to see how it turns out!

  13. Great idea for hot pads! I think I may make a set for Thanksgiving and Easter too!!! :D
    Now for the color question...I would add aqua as I generally use very little traditional colors.

    sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com

  14. Oh how adorable! I just kept scrolling up and down because it was a beautiful slideshow of Christmas! I love how you make it such a fun and easy project...cut and sew and press and sew and don't worry! These will be perfect as hot pads and what an excellent way to use my scraps of Christmas that don't seem to match anything. A brilliant idea and one I will use. Your giveaway is so very generous. I would add more greens, 'cause I just love blues! Thank for for the chance and for participating. Day 3 rocks! Enjoy the rest of the hop!

  15. Good Morning those are perfect scrap pot holders! ....... oh yes Christmas ones!

  16. Wow, they are beautiful, and they looked like they were so much fun to make. Especially the not worrying about the seams matching. I would probably make sure there is lots of green included, green is one of my favorite colors. Thanks for being part of the hop, have a great day!

  17. this is such a funny way to make hot pad! love it. thank's for sharing. hope to see you on my blog sunday for my turn. And oh... almost forget my favorite color for christmas craft is bleu and silver!

  18. Love the hot pads. Copy cat or not I really like the blue. So blue would be my choice.

  19. Your mats are so colorful. It brightens up the room and my day.

  20. It sure does make a holiday table pop!! I would add a forest green to mine!

  21. looks like you had lots of fun. What a great idea. No matching, just fun.
    I would add green to mine.

  22. Thanks so much for the tutorial - I need some new hot pads so I think I'll make some Christmas ones but also some for other holidays. :) blessings, marlene

  23. I don't have any completed quilt to enter into the giveaway, so please don't pick me.. but I have to comment and let you know that these do remind me very much of christmas twinkling lights of my childhood and I LOVE THEM!

  24. Those are wonderful! I'll have to do that! I would add "cheddar" yellow, because I think it makes a quilt sparkle. Thank you for the great tutorial.

  25. Thanks for sharing today. I was really relating to the piles of fabrics. This looks like a fun way to sew.

  26. I think blue was the perfect choice, so that is what I'd use.

  27. I love how it all came together in little squares that didn't need to be lined up--my kind of project. Thanks for the great tutorial!

  28. Those look wonderful. I think I would add a gold color to mine since I don't have much blue in my house. ;-}

  29. Yes, the blue (my favorite color)really helped to 'marry' all those strips and designs. My kind of sewing in this project.And what a nice hostess gift they will make. Thank you for sharing with us today.

  30. I'd add tans or golds. I love those with my Christmas fabrics.

  31. Little 1" squares! I think I would add a goldish yellow to mine...but I'm really liking the pastel Christmas colors of pink, light green and turquoise! Thanks for the tutorial!

  32. I agree, the blue is my favorite too :)

  33. I really like this idea! And since I'm a big cheddar fan, I'd add cheddar or gold to mine.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Great idea that I think I could do as a new quilter too! Thanks! I would choose red because it is my favorite all year long!

  36. Really a fun idea. I think I would add gold. Thanks so much for your tutorial and for sharing.

  37. Great tutorial and hot pad!!.I like your combo choice.I`d add green to mine,it`s my favorite color.

  38. What a FUN project!!! I am definitely going to have to try this! Great way to use up scraps. Thank you for the great idea & the chance to win.

  39. Love the hot pads. They look like so much fun and definitely are now on my to do list. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  40. Fun, fast and charming! I love your idea! Your colors look great together. For Christmas, I like to see a lot of dark green and reds.

  41. Great idea and I like the fact you do not have to match all those seams .

  42. Love them! What a fun project. I am off to cut some strips! And what an amazing giveaway! I would add a turquoise to my stash for the holidays.

  43. What a simple tutorial, no muss no fuss. I just pruchased some insul bright yesterday for the first time. You must have been sending out a very strong vibe. I would add black. On on for tomorrow's hop you can see the black I tossed into the mix.

  44. What a fun project...I would add some shades of green. TFS

  45. Great project and as always, a great tutorial. I would definitely use blues. I'm a blue person too...Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  46. Hi Marcia they are stunning, I love the colours when they are all together. Thanks for sharing. I love red especially the deep red colours. Susie x

  47. Thanks for sharing a fun tutorial Marcia! These are so cute and the blue adds a lot!

  48. I would add some lime zing fabrics. Great idea. When you make the strips you could also make them to go with HST or lots of other shapes. Love it.

  49. Wow so pretty! thanks for the tut too!

  50. I think I would add gold, green, and white to mine :)

  51. Those are sew cute. I love that you didnt try to line them up and they still look great. Thanks for the chance to win an awesome giveaway.

  52. What a fun project! How easy and no seam matching stress, great idea. I think your colors are super. I might add a deep purple. Thanks for sharing and a great tutorial.

    Thank you for a great giveaway and a chance to win.


  53. I'd have to go out and buy some Christmas fabric to do this so that would be loads of fun! I think blues, golds and greens would be my colors. Thanks for the tutorial.

  54. lovely, thank you for sharing. I follow you. I will add gold. hugs

  55. Thank you for the tutorial,it was good & you are a great straight line sewer.Christmas colors I would add would be some more reds and cream or white squares.

  56. Oh no, I hope it was just me but only a few pictures came up but from reading I think I understand what you made! Oh nuts!!

  57. I love it!! They look so much fun to make!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  58. What a fun and easy way to make hot pads. If I was making them for Christmas I would definitely add more red.

  59. oh what fun!! who cares about matching seams and intersections when you're enjoying yourself!! Me, I'd probably add some green as I'm a green girl. Thank you so much for the fun share :)

  60. Thanks so much for sharing and being a part of this fun hop!

  61. Sew cute! I love projects like these. I would always add more RED, but a yellow sparkle would be sweet ~

  62. Great idea... more gold, needs more gold.
    Thanks for sharing and hopping along.

  63. This looks like such a fun project! I really love red and green for Christmas. What a wonderful giveaway, to share your talents.

  64. I would add gold and purple, regal looking. Great project. Thanks for the giveaway.

  65. I have been making string "material" for a couple of years, storing up my "fat quarters" in a box for some future project. Great way to use scraps that are less than 2" wide, but I don't make them all the same width as you did. I like the addition of the blue fabric to your Christmas colors. If you pick my number, please choose another as I am also a longarm quilter!!

  66. I love your blocks-- very pretty! They remind me of string blocks in a way-- very scrappy-- which is SO pretty!! :-) I think I would use Christmas jewel tones-- emerald, crimson, cobalt, gold... :-) Thank you for the tutorial and for the generous prize!!!

  67. Hi Marcia...this is my first time commenting on a blog type thing. I love the quick patchwork strip idea for the potholders! I'd add a creme color to soften it and make the other colors 'pop' or maybe the creme would 'pop'. I'll have to try it and see! :)

  68. I would add pink. It would be so lovely to have something quilted by a pro! Thank you for the great giveaway.

  69. Marcia ~ That is SO awesome. Heck, even I can do that. I love how you made those and the great tutorial showing us how easy it can be.

    If you see my name, I'm sure you can guess what color I'd add to mine. Purple, of course. :) I need something to match my beautiful purple Christmas tree you know.

    Thank you for the awesome tutorial.

  70. Great tut. I would add a splash of white.
    Thanks for sharing and the opportunity to win.

  71. Simply beautiful. I think I'd add a touch of gold ...


  73. I love scrappy, so you hot pads are right up my alley! I love the blue added.

  74. Blue is my favorite color so it is the only one I would choose to add.

  75. I love how these turned out. Thank you for showing them to us.

  76. Hello! Please be sure I'm out of the drawing. I just wanted to say I wish I had thought of this when I started working on my postage stamp quilt.

  77. I like the fact that you didn't worry about matching the seams and Yes! It did come out beautiful!

  78. Looks like fun! I will have to try this. Thanks for sharing!

  79. Marcia...what a care free project...I love it!! I would add some pink. Thanks for sharing your inspiration and tutorial with us today...happy stitching!!

  80. I think red would get my vote.. red is such a happy color! Love the hot pads!!

  81. I would use a snow white or spring green!

  82. Love that you've added the blues. I am starting to make a lot more Christmas things with blue in them also. Thanks for sharing.

  83. I put blue in most of my projects so Blue it would be


Thanks for leaving a comment! I really appreciate your input and thoughts. If you don't hear from me for a couple days. don't be surprised. If you don't get a reply from me, you are probably a NO REPLY Commenter -- check your settings please. I want to reply to you. And if you have a Yahoo email I may not get your comment in my email. Sorry. Thanks again for commenting!