
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Create -------- My Word for 2013!

I woke up early this morning and I was thinking about my Quilting Business, Project Quilting, and my Minutes for Me Time and NEW Quilt Patterns! 

I choose "create" as my word for 2013!

What is the definition of "create"?

to produce through imaginative skill --- Create a . .... quilt, a quilt pattern, and/or a construction method.

to enjoy the process of something new.

to design:

  to create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan. 
     to conceive and plan out in the mind. 

to produce or bring about by a course of action or behavior.

to make or bring into existence something new.

I am ready to create with a plan that makes sense to me:

  1. brainstorm ideas
  2. sketch it out
  3. cut and sew - construct
  4. pause and evaluate
  5. brainstorm again
  6. make changes as needed
  7. finalize the idea and write it up
  8. a completed creation

I am ready to create!

Create is my word for 2013!

Project Quilting starts on Sunday Jan. 6, 2013.

Minutes for Me Linky Party starts on Wednesday Jan. 9, 2013. Share, Share, and Share...

Quilting Sale starts Jan. 15th.  Email me to schedule your quilting date for the Winter 20% OFF the Quilting Sale. Jan. 15th thru' March 31, 2013.

Quilt Patterns available at

Enjoy your day!


  1. I am a beginning quilter that is looking forward to what I can learn from you.


  2. Dreams + handworks = Create

    thanks for all you share to motivate others to create!



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