
Sunday, January 13, 2013

"Marcia Squared"

"Marcia Squared"
Quilted Tablecloth created for the Project Quilting Season Four Challenge ONE -- Square in a Square.
Marcia Wachuta
Marcia's Crafty Sewing and Quilting
Boscobel, Wisconsin
I chose to use different sizes of squares in the centers of my blocks to create an offset look. Light centers, medium light blue for one side and then a medium blue for the other two sides. Then a dark blue for the lattice strips. I staggered my blocks in each row to offset those too! finishing the outside with a medium blue border and binding to complete my quilted tablecloth.
I choose to work with blues, because it was comfortable for me for the first challenge.
Here is my post on how I constructed the blocks and the quilt.
I finished the quilting right before the Packer Game last night.

I finished the binding this morning.

Thanks for the help selecting the backing fabric.

Love the colorful backing fabric with my dishes!

Just got these blue bowls for Christmas. I may have to cook sometime and use them.  Or just take photos of them with quilts.

 And thanks for help with the name --- "Marcia Squared"

I shared the construction of my blocks and quilt - here
Thanks Kim for the another fun challenge for Project Quilting! If you would like to see all the Quilted Projects created for the Square in a Square challenge click here.

Enjoy your day!



  1. very cute, I love blues!
    never did binding that way, always sew on to the back by hand, but I DO have that stitch on my machine, worth a try...

  2. This came out so lovely - and dual purpose is always a plus. Oh, that is close to the blue thread I used. This was a fun experience for me and I look forward to the next challenge.

  3. OK... I gotta say I LOVE blues too! I can never get tired of looking at things made with blue. I really love your "squared" quilt!! it's great! I'm feeling strongly inspired to try one of these quilts...and I think I want to do blue too!

    thanks for the ALL the lovely many pretty things to look at. =)


  4. You are so talented! Love it!!

  5. You are so talented! Love it!!

  6. How beautiful and of course your quilting is fantastic!

  7. Your submission was so pretty and I love the backing!

  8. Your quilt is awesome! Love the colors and the layout. I am a new follower. I hope you will hop over to my blog and follow me :-)

  9. Very nice quilt! Love the backing fabric. It's a perfect choice.

  10. I love all the pictures with you dishes. Beautiful quilt with very nice quilting. I'm your newest follower. Can't wait to see more...


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