
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Do You Love Hand Dyed Fabrics?

I do!

Do you want to enter a giveaway for a chance to win beautifully hand dyed fabrics?

My friend Chris is hosting a Giveaway on her blog.  Hop over and check it out! Click here to enter the Dye Candy Fabrics Giveaway.  Tell her Marcia sent you!

Chris is offering bonus entries for her Giveaway too!  I love the bonus chances!

Another Bonus --- the Dye Candy Fabrics are on Sale too!

If you missed my Giveaway for Free Quilting, Free Batting, and Free Thread --- click here to enter my Giveaway -- 9 chances to win!

This weekend, I am making another table runner like my Leafing Out Table Runner using the beautiful blues and greens of the Dye Candy Fabrics. I can't wait to see it made with blues and greens!  I will share it as soon as I finish it!

Have a wonderful day and don't forget to take time to play!

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