
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Getting Up Close With My Quilting

 This what I call two color Swirl Quilting. 

I quilted this beautiful quilt for Chris from Dye Candy Fabric.  It was made with her hand dyed fabrics.

When we talked about what kind of quilting and colors of thread, we first thought about a variegated thread.  We decided to use two colors -- a blue and green thread. That worked out perfectly.

As far as the quilting, it needed something with very soft lines to create movement throughout the quilt from each interlocking block to the next one.

You can see the thread colors here.

I bunched up the quilt to take some photos, to see what it would look like on a bed. I know I could crawl under this quilt and feel warm and cozy!

Hop over to Dye Candy Fabrics and check out her blog.  She has the pattern available and also a kit of her beautiful fabrics to make this incredible quilt.

Enjoy your day!


  1. I love your double color quilting.

  2. Marcia, Thanks for putting so much time into the quilting on this quilt. I love it! You always do such amazing work. Love your photos!

  3. Wow I love it!! It almost looks like double needle work. Very puffy and wildly warm. My hubby saw the picture and described it as "trippy warmth". He loved it too. You do great work.
    Donna F

  4. Hi Marcia, I have tried twice now to join up with your linky party and have a working link on my blog's sidebar. But I keep getting this message when choosing an image at the end....
    Server Error in '/' Application.
    The resource cannot be found.
    Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

    Requested URL: /oops.aspx

    Lorna:) Here is my blog and mail:

    sewfreshquilts (at)

  5. What a lovely quilt, and the quilting is phenomenal.


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