
Saturday, March 9, 2013

"Between the Strips"

Here are the photo steps of how I made my quilted pillow.

Page 28 with my quilted pillow --- "Between the Strips"

Thank you for all the name suggestions!

These are the "words" I stitched.  It is just words -- not really intended to make sense.

I am reading between the lines to create my quilt...
You .... Me.... Us....
Fabric... Colors... Designing...
Challenges.... Brainstorming...
Quilting... Working... Playing.... Createing...
Stitching my thoughts sometimes Errors...
Sometimes the words makes sense... 
and sometimes it's too confusing.... 
Comfort can be found in things we Love to do....
Sewing ..... and .... Quilting...
I am reading...  Between the words... 
and lines.... and the fabric strips....
to create my quilted project....
from fabric strips... of Blue....
and Black and White...
This.... I.... am ... pleased....
Between the Strips....
....Bringing order to my Life...
Marcia  2013

I took photos on the sofa of my pillow but I will probably use it on my favorite chair.

I uploaded my photos to the Project Quilting Flicker Group for the Challenge.  Click HERE and you can see all the quilted projects from this week.

Kim will be sharing all the quilted projects this week on her blog too. Click HERE to go to Kim's Blog. 

Hope you are having a great weekend!


  1. What a great project from a less than inspiring page! Love the quilted words, they really might not make sense, but they do add to the design.

  2. Love the entire project....words, strips and sentiments. Very creative, girl!

  3. Great name choice and gorgeous pillow!

  4. That turned out great Marcia.

  5. Cool quilt. The fabric and the quilting. Very nice indeed


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