
Monday, May 6, 2013

Who won the Rainbow Fat Quarters?

The Winner is:

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...
I like to take 5 minutes to look through a quilting magazine. It takes a few minutes of time but it relaxes me for quite awhile.

Congrats Robin!  Robin has been contacted by email and she will reply with her address.  I will mail all of the prizes out the first week in June.

I use for my drawings.

Thanks to everyone for entering the drawing and for following my blog and for enjoying May for Me with me!

I have really been enjoying May.  The past few days I have been spending time with family.  I even made a big spaghetti dinner tonight for family and friends. I make a wonderful fresh spaghetti sauce.  It's half my recipe and half my son in law's recipe --- I promise I will share it soon.  It's on my list. Yes I do cook!

I have not answered all the comments, so some of you may think you are a no reply blogger.  Sorry -- I will eventually reply.  I really got carried away enjoying time with my family.  It has been great!

Watch for the next Giveaway --- Starts on Tuesday. 

Enjoy your day!



  1. Congratulations to Robin and thank you for hosting. Family time as always good ME time.

  2. Congrats to Robin - those are some beautiful fabrics.

    Family time is the best use of Me time for sure!

  3. Congratualtions to Robin. And thank you for the chance to enter such a great giveaway.


Thanks for leaving a comment! I really appreciate your input and thoughts. If you don't hear from me for a couple days. don't be surprised. If you don't get a reply from me, you are probably a NO REPLY Commenter -- check your settings please. I want to reply to you. And if you have a Yahoo email I may not get your comment in my email. Sorry. Thanks again for commenting!