
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Show and Tell Saturday --- A Busy Week of Projects to Share!

During Project Quilting Season, I seem to get a ton of quilted projects finished.  Not just the six quilted projects.  I also finish up UFO's. During the off week, I straighten up things in my quilt room so I am ready for the next challenge. I am so inspired to sew and quilt that I just keep finishing projects one after another.

I found a small square quilted table topper/large hot pad, that I quilted about 8 years ago.  All it needed was binding.

My daughter and my Mom and I, together made a baby quilt for a friend of my daughter's and there was one block leftover and I quilted it - Yes --- 8 years ago! But I finished the binding this week!

The flip side.

Up Close to my quilting -- 8 years ago -- I was really into loops, hearts, stars, and swirls. It was a great whimsical overall quilting.

The fabric I used for the binding is a vintage feedsack fabric. I selected the zig zag embroidery stitching for the binding, that way it would be tight and secure making it more durable for using it and washing it.

These are some little bowls that my daughter bought when she was home the last time.  They did not fit in her suitcase.  I plan to pack them in my bag, when I go over to visit them.

I think she will like them with the little vintage looking table topper. Plus having a table topper from the fabrics as a memory of the baby quilt we made for her friend. I am sure she has fond memories of the three of us making the quilt together.  It was a Square in a Square Pattern.  I stitched, my Mom did the pressing and I taught my daughter how to use the ruler and the rotary cutter and she cut the pieces.  She had never used a rotary cutter before so the cuts where not accurate and it was an adventure for me trying to stitch pieces together, that were not lining up.  We did a lot of laughing that day!  Three generations working on one quilt! I will have to search for the photos of the baby quilt --- some day!

On Saturday, after I finished uploading the photos for Project Quilting of my Strings of Sunshine Table Topper, I made a table runner using the scraps.  Click here for the Sunday's Scraps post about the table runner I made from the scraps.

On Sunday afternoon, I set the table with the topper and the table runner.

My husband questioned, "Where's the food?"  He thinks, he is so funny, when he says this.  He knows the answer, "I quilt better than I cook!"

In November, I started a scrappy Blue Dresden Plate Block.  I only made the sections.

I found time this week to finish the block. 
I pressed the seams open to reduce a little bulk.

I gave it a good press with spray starch and turned under the raw edges in the center.

I did not worry if some of the seams didn't intersect evenly.  It's scrappy!

I love it! Looks great on the dinning room table --- just like that.

Then I placed it on my quilted tablecloth. Love it against the blue too!

I will use this block in my blue quilt from last year's "My Favorite Block Quilt Along". There is a link in the sidebar to my Blue Quilt Posts. I added two photos as some of the blocks aren't in this one. See the next one too.

I think my Blue Scrappy Dresden Plate Block will be a perfect addition to this quilt. When will I finish this quilt?  Who knows?  I may make a few more blocks!

I do like the Dresden Plate Block on my quilted table cloth.  I definitely need to use a blue background fabric for it.

And last but not least, I finished my 37 Sunflower Star Blocks for a facebook Quilt Block Swap.

I had a year to make them.  I started them last year and worked on the parts of the star points. Each section has three parts and there are 8 sections. That's 24 pieces for the star points. I stitched them free form and then each section had to be squared up. Originally, I was going to have a pieced center block. It had about 40 tiny rectangles.  They were taking too long. I decided to switch it to a print fabric and I love it.   

They are all squared up and ready to mail.

I have been dragging my feet on sharing a tutorial for the block, as it is "free form" block.  I need to figure out how to explain the "how to"!  Because it is free form it can be made any size that you would like.  I made some of the blocks 10 1/2" and some of them 12 1/2" and some of them 12". I have lots of photos of the process. I may just do an all photo tutorial with only a few words.

How does that sound? Any ideas?

That is what I accomplished during my free time this week - before and after work - in small segments of time. Sometimes only 15 minutes and other times an hour or so.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Wow. I am tired just looking at all of those finishes. Great work.

  2. Marcia I've had your blog on my bloglist for 6months and thought I was a GFC follower...I wasn't...but am now!!! Inspiring post! I read it twice. Looks like you had fun with all your projects...stop by:

  3. Rosemary B here:
    These are great finishes. Love the 8 year old finish, and the memories attached to that.
    Well done!

  4. I love all your finishes but Im captivated by the sunflowers, they are just stunning. Would love to see a how too :)

  5. Your choice of complimentary colors are super. I think the tiny addition of pink into your blue Dresden Plate block is quite interesting. and I wouldn't mind seeing your photos of your creation of those lovely Sunflower Star Blocks.

  6. Love your Blue Dresden Plate Block, what size did you use?


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