
Monday, January 6, 2014

String Along with Me --- Project Quilting Season Five Challenge ONE

The first Project Quilting Challenge is posted.  I have until Jan. 12th, Sunday at Noon to completed a quilted project based on the challenge.  But I tell myself I have until Friday night to complete the project. Click here for the details of the Quilt Challenge. 

Here's how I make it happen - 15 minutes at a time:

I read the Challenge at Noon on Sunday Jan. 5th.  I think, I brainstorm, and I sometimes sketch out a design. But most importantly, I dream....

Later on Sunday or Monday, I gather fabrics.  

When I take breaks from my customer's quilting, I press/iron and starch the fabric and cut it. All the strips are assorted sizes from 1 inch to 1 1/4 inch to 1 1/2 inch to 1 3/4 inch to 2 inches.

I am used phone book paper for my base to stitch on the strips.

Next, I started stitching the strips diagonally onto the paper.

I chose to place the solid green on the left side on all of the blocks and any light print on the right.

Press/Iron so the strips lay nice and flat.

I stitched a striped strip on the side next to the light strip and any light print next to the solid green strip.  I want it to be scrappy, but have somewhat of a pattern using the solid and striped print to do this.

Press/Iron the blocks again.

Add more light print strips (Then Press/Iron) and then I added solid green for the last strip on the corners. Press/ Iron again.

Press/Iron and then the blocks are ready to be rotary cut into 6 1/2 inch squares or whatever size you would like.

At this point, I tear off the paper. I like to take is off and give it a good press/iron and square them up if necessary. Some quilters wait until all the blocks are stitched together.

See how the striped print strip and the solid green create a pattern. Not sure if I will stitch them together like this.  I have a couple ideas that might look really cool!

That is it for today... more tomorrow  --- only 15 minutes at a time. It takes me longer to write this post! 

I am saving the scraps in a jar and I will label it "PQS5CH1 Strings".

Hop over and check out Project Quilting and join in the fun!

String Along with Me PQ CH ONE

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