
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

This is my favorite four generation photo.  Over the years, we took many of these photos, but this one was the first one and it will always be my favorite one.  My daughter was about a month old.  I was a new Mom. I was so happy and so tired and enjoying every moment of being a Mom.

I love being a mother, but I really love being a "Grandmama" the best!

I am sure we will take hundreds of photos of my grandson, but I think this will be my most favorite one! We flew 5000 miles to smell the sweet fragrance of a new born baby!  The memory will be cherished forever. . .

Happy Mother's Day!

Enjoy your day!



  1. Happy Happy Mother's Day Marcia. Sweet, sweet post:)

  2. I too love being a Granny to 6 beautiful grandkids. Happy Mothers Day.

  3. Such beautiful photos! You all look so much alike!


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