
Friday, May 22, 2015

Marsha's Monkey Wrench Quilt for Project Quilting's Focus Through The Prism Challenge

I am running a "Special Quilting Deal" for the Focus Through the Prism Wall Hangings. My Special is Only $25.00 -- that includes special detailed quilting and thread and batting. They are 20" by 20" in size. Customer pays the shipping back and forth.

Each month, we are given a new challenge and we use one of our hand dyed fabrics from our Cherrywood Bundle.  

My customer and friend, Marsha selected red!  

We were challenged to create with our inspiration being the Monkey Wrench Quilt Block. Click here for the Project Quilting Details.

I loved the white space in Marsha's quilt and it was perfect for quilting the rest of the quilt block with white thread on white fabric.

I started quilting on the red parts and then quilted the white parts and then quilted the background.  Here are some photos of the process.

Lots of stop and starts ... so lots of scrap thread!

I selected White quilting thread for the white parts and a Southern Red on the Monkey Wrench Blocks and a Burgundy for the background.

I used a double batting - 80/20 Cotton/Poly on the bottom and Poly batting on the top.  It enhances the quilting and gives the quilt some firmness for hanging. 

I sent photos to Marsha right away!  She loved it!  I can't wait for her to see it in "real life"!

Some photos of the backside...

I don't know which side it the top or the bottom. I don't think it matters.  It looks cool, any way you turn it.

I took some up close photos of each Monkey Wrench Quilt Block.

 What a beautiful quilt!  Marsha definitely has an eye for design!

I will be sharing my completed Monkey Wrench Quilt soon.

Click here to see how I made mine and the quilting too. The link starts you with the most current post about my Monkey Wrench Quilt and shares all of my post about this challenge.  I named mine "The Missing Monkey Wrenches".

Thanks again to Kim at Project Quilting - Focus Through the Prism for another wonderful quilt challenge!

Enjoying May, one day at a time,


Click here for the Current May for Me Giveaway!

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