
Saturday, May 2, 2015

May for Me --- Day Two

I took a few minutes to take photos of the Special Project Quilting Bundle of hand dyed fabric from Cherrywood Fabrics with some of my print fabrics to help me decide what color to select for this month's Project Quilting Challenge ---- Focus through the Prism!

Click Here for the link to the Off Season Project Quilting Challenge for May.  The Inspiration Block:  Monkey Wrench!

I took photos, but this does NOT mean I will use these prints.  I was just playing with what I have in my fabric stash. I hope not to buy any fabrics, but I was just grabbing fabrics and taking pictures to help with the brainstorming.  I know that I want to use black with the colors, but I am not sure about anything else.  I need to sleep on it!

Feel free to comment and give me your opinion.  Keep in mind that colors appear very different on computers and phones and kindles. I took the photos in daylight, but the red on my computer does not look like it does in real life.

What is May for Me? Click Here!

Enjoying the second day of May for Me!



  1. Try putting the fabric from the first two pictures together. I would like to see the greens with your black with blue roses. Also were there any hints given about just what was meant by the prism. Because usually a prism has quite a large spectrum of colors.

  2. I am drawn to the reds-- the windmills OF COURSE bc you know, Holland and stroopwafels and well, and red, and I love the white with the red outlined flowers.

    All of these looks nice though. The first blue is nice.

    I have waaaay too much fabric too. You are very inspiring. I will try to always look at that heap upstairs and dig into that.
    Happy Sunday


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