
Sunday, June 28, 2015

I Selected Red Fabric...

.... for the Project Quilting Challenge (Focus Through the Prism Series).

I did not start the quilt challenge until June 17th, as I spent the first 15 days of the month with my daughter and her family in Belgium and the Netherlands. Keeping that in mind, I decided to select the Red Cherrywood Fabric and use it with my fabric from the Netherlands.  My Son in Law's Mom bought this fabric for me, a couple years ago. I knew I was saving it for something special. Thanks Marjo!

The quilt block for our inspiration this month was the Friendship Star Quilt Block.  Perfect, as I have made so many new friends in the Netherlands and now in Belgium too. 

I fussy cut 3 squares for the centers of the friendship quilt blocks. 

I started stitching the blocks together.  I did not want a checkerboard look, but it looked that way.

I moved them around and took out some of the black squares. I like that better.

I cut my squares 3 inches, but that came out to exactly 20 inches by 20 inches, so I had to add another row, but I will trim most of it away.   I needed the quilt top to be about 20 3/4" by 20 3/4" as the quilting makes it shrink. That way the finished quilt will measure 20" by 20".

Next it was time to select the quilting thread. I selected 2 reds and pearl for the friendship quilt blocks.

You know, I am inspired by everything around me, when it comes to my quilting.  I see quilts and quilting ideas everywhere!  I love to try new designs.

The quilting for this quilt was inspired by crocheting.  When I was in the Netherlands last year, I took a crocheting class and learned how to crochet using strips cut from plastic bags.  Thanks Corrie for sharing your creative crocheting with me! 
You can see the post here:  "Inspired by a New Friend"

I crocheted a flower and crochet chain, using fabric strips. That way, I could take a photo and get an idea of how I wanted to quilt it.

I did a sketch to help figure out how I would quilt it. I decided that a heart shape worked best for the chain.

Then I laid the crocheted flower and crocheted chain on my quilt to figure out where I wanted the "quilted crochet chain" to be on my quilt.

First, I quilted a wiggle line grid on my quilt with the darker red thread. Then I switched to a lighter red and quilted the crocheted chain starting at the top corner and connected to all the stars.  

I stitched in my name and the year under one of the stars.

I took some photos at angle across the quilt so you can see the quilted crocheted chain throughout the quilt.

Here's a couple photos of the backside of the quilt.

I embroidery stitched on the black binding.

Here's a full view.

I love the quilted crocheted chain! It is exactly how I wanted it.

My sleeve is ready to hand stitch on the backside of my quilt.

I am saving my scraps in one gallon zip lock bags and I will be sharing what I am going to do with all seven bags of scraps in July, when I have three bags of scraps. Save yours too... you are going to want to make the scrap quilt too!

I am linking up my quilt over at Persimons Dreams Blog for the Focus Through the Prism Project Quilting Challenge.

I named my quilt --- "Friendship Chains"
I created my quilt in Boscobel, Wisconsin, although I did the brainstorming for it, while in Belgium and the Netherlands visiting my daughter.
The quilt measures 20" by 20".
All 100 % cotton fabric.
I freestyle quilted it with three thread colors - two reds and one pearl, with wiggle lines through the background and on the stars. Then I quilted a crocheted chain connecting the star blocks.
I used two layers of batting --- Hobbs Black 80/20 Batting.

Thanks again Kim for inspiring me and others to create outstanding quilts.

Three participants requested for me to quilt their quilts this month, for the super low price of $25.00 plus $6.10 for shipping it back to them.  

The $25.00 includes detailed quilting with double batting and quilting thread and pre quilt press and trimming.  The value of the quilting special varies depending on how much detail of quilting I select for their quilt, ranging from $65.00 to $95.00.  Thanks Marsha and Audrey and Dayna.  I will be sharing some up close photos of their quilts over the next couple days.
They all created outstanding quilts and I was delighted to add the quilting details for them. Here's a couple up close photos of each one.
    Marsha's quilt

       Audrey's quilt

      Dayna's quilt

Here is a link to the post about Marsha's quilt for the May Challenge.

If you are interested in having me quilt your quilt next month for Project Quilting, here are the details:

I am offering a "Quilting Special" to everyone who makes a Challenge Quilt.  Only $25.00 for special detailed quilting on your 20" by 20" quilt for the challenge each month. Includes quilting and thread and double batting and pressing and trimming. Value $65.00 to $95.00.

First email or message me that you are want to have me quilt your quilt top by the 1st of the month. I will save a date for you. 

Then let me know when you will be mailing your quilt top and backing fabric. Your quilt top should measure a little more than 20" by 20".  I suggest 20 3/4" by 20 3/4" and backing fabric (backing fabric must be 10" wider and longer - you can add strips on the sides). 

It must be in my quilting shop by the 15th of the month or earlier if you have it ready and I will mail it out by the 22nd of the month or earlier - back to you. 

Please mail a check or money order with your quilt top in the amount of $31.10  = 25.00 + $6.10 US shipping for return shipping. Payable to Marcia Wachuta.

I would LOVE to quilt your challenge quilt!

Hop over and check out all the outstanding Friendship Star Quilts over at Persimons Dreams for the Project Quilting Challenge - Focus Through the Prism.

Click here to see Marsha's Quilt from the May Challenge 

Click here to see my quilt from the May Challenge.

Click here to see Dayna's Quilt for the June Challenge.

Click here to see Marsha's Quilt for the June Challenge.

Click here  to see Audrey's Quilt for the June Challenge.

Click here to see all of the Friendship Star Quilts over at Persimon Dreams Blog - Project Quilting - Focus Through the Prism Series. 

Enjoy your day!



  1. I love that your friendship star quilt includes fabric from a friend. You've made a truly lovely quilt. The quilting is fantastic.

  2. I love the windmills of course.
    I love Red, but if I made one using windmills, it would have to be ORANGE because mom and dad are from Holland, Rotterdam, their last addresses were Manpad 28 and Hollandsestraat 87.
    I used to walk the same path that they did when they were "dating"
    Anyway, This turned out really sweet!

  3. This is wonderful! I just love the quilting and it's great to hear the story behind how it came to be!


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