
Sunday, March 11, 2018

A Time Keeper for Me!

....And a bonus phone purse! I will share how I made the phone purse soon. It's fun and easy!

Through Project Quilting I won a Quilter's Planner and a Mini Planner!  Thanks so much Stephanie from Quilter's Planner!

I received it in February, so I got a late start, but it didn't matter, as I was able to start right in and get super organized!  I used to have a pile of notes on my desk and when I needed something I would dig through the papers to find something. As of mid February, I write everything in the planner. I am using the January pages for for extra notes and taping them onto the pages. I LOVE it!  I will definitely purchase one for 2019, as after using it for less than a month, I can see it is going to be absolutely perfect for me!

When the Project Quilting Challenge - Stitch in Time was announced I knew exactly what I needed to make - A quilted holder for my Quilter's Planner. I saw the free pattern for the cover on their website, but I decided I need more than that. I wanted it to hold everything! I can take it with me downstairs to my quilting studio and bring it back upstairs at the end of the day. It needed to have a spot for markers, note pads, and post it notes to be all in one place.

I create in Boscobel, Wisconsin. I named my quilted holder -- A Time Keeper for Me! I LOVE it!

Here's the fabrics I selected for this challenge. 
The lite blue hand dyed fabric is from Quilts by Barb. The dark blue is a printed fabric that a friend gave me. It was actually a few extra strips from a quilt she made last year.  I doubled up on this challenge to make it for Project Quilting Challenge and for Quilt By Barb's - The Yard that Keeps on Giving Challenge.

I am linking up this post over at Persimons Dreams for Project Quilting.

I used my Denim Quilt Block Pattern to create my quilt.
It is available for only $1.00 on My Online Pattern Store. 

I made my lattice strips skinny!

The yellow pins are where I wanted to quilt in my name and the year. I had to figure out where the front of the quilted holder would be so I stitched it in the right spot.

I did not use exact measurements and this is not really a tutorial, but I shared all the photos of the steps here.

I folded the fabric around the Quilter's Planner to figure out where to cut and stitch.

I cut and folded and stitched binding onto the fabric.

I will probably add a strap for carrying it like a bag, but I need to use it for awhile, before I can figure out where or if I want a strap on it.

I will share the how I made the phone purse in a couple days. It's fun and easy!

Thanks again to Project Quilting and the Quilter's Planner for the wonderful prize! Hop over and check out both websites!

Enjoy your day!



  1. Love the quilting you did! Great project!

  2. Beautiful project! That blue batik is so pretty.

  3. Wow, Marcia! Thank you for all the great pics and explanation. Your quilted time minder is so pretty.

  4. I love it Marcia! I made a cover for mine from the free pattern, but I still have pens, stickers etc in a tin, and washi papers in an empty (of course!) Ferraro Roche chocolate box. It's cumbersome to have to carry around everything to update or just write in the planner. Yours is perfect for everything in one place! A tutorial would be great...hint, hint!

    Thank you again so much...


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