
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May for Me started a new way of thinking for me and for you...

It all started with an email conversation between two quilt bloggers...  In March, Tonya and I emailed back and forth talking about how we never find any time for ourselves.  I suggested that we set aside time for ourselves and blog about it. Tonya said I can't do it in April.  So we chose to take time for me in May, thus resulting in the May for Me Celebration!  So I made a  photo logo and we started thinking differently about our me time!  We decided, we would take time for ourselves, even if it is only minutes.

So now what are you going to do ?   May is over... you can still take time for you any day and in any month.  You just have to say, this time is for me to sew, quilt, craft, and whatever you want to do.  Think of it as Minutes for Me!

Yes, May for Me didn't turn out to be an "all fun filled" month, but I think both Tonya and I enjoyed the minutes we got!   I enjoyed reading about what everyone was doing this month, while I was with my Mom at the hospital.  As I am sure Tonya has enjoyed reading too, because she is confined to a chair, as her leg heals. I have kidded about Joyful Jubilee June and July!  I think I will just enjoy May for Me with Minutes for Me every day of the year!
Someone once said,  "Don't be sad that it is over, be glad you did it!"

All in all the May for Me Celebration was a delightful blogging adventure!  Hurray for May! May for Me was for everyone!  Thanks to everyone who joined in the fun and really made it a celebration of yourself!

Many of the participating bloggers posted about May for Me ending... BUT it is really just the beginning!  You learned how to take time for you... These are the ones I found so far...

 Belinda says it perfectly at BLines And End and a Beginning?

Wilma wrote " May is almost over..." at Wilma's World

Sharon posted Memories of May and hosted a 4 week Giveaway Vrooman's Quilts and Perfect Ending

Heather shared: Saturday Sewing the Jamie Dress  and her recap of Completed Projects and Goals of the Month

Last day of May for Handmade Crafts Done While Rving

You can still grab the logo link on the side bar and add it to your blog.  Make sure you email me to link to your blog on the May for Me Page. Watch for upcoming posts about Minutes for Me. 

Yes! We will do a May for Me Celebration next year! 

Watch for one more May for Me Giveaway tonight for Hodgepodge Patchwork Tuesday!  

Also still time to enter last week's Giveaway thru' 6pm on June 1st!

"Don't be sad that it is over, 
be glad you did it!"

Enjoying the last of May!



  1. I had a wonderful time and look forward to next year.

  2. I too had a great time! I intend to blog some Minutes for Me every once in a while. Thanks so much for the great idea. I have been so inspired and I cannot wait to start on my new ideas!

  3. May for Me helped me to start doing things for me. While still learning, I am enjoying life more and will continue with moments for me. Thanks Marcia and Tonya!

  4. I had a wonderful time - I did more of the things that make me happy...and if I'm happy, then I can do a better job of juggling all the different hats that I wear around here! I enjoyed seeing what everyone was doing, and I hope to post my quilty progress soon on Flickr.
    Let's all look forward to May for Me 2012!
    Is your mom continuing to improve?
    Jacque in SC


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