
Monday, December 26, 2011

Getting Up Close with My Quilting - Hearts From All Over the World to Create One Donation Quilt!

 Tonya from Hillbilly Handiworks organized a "Learn-A-Long" on paper piecing.  She shared a wonderful photo tutorial using my paper pieced Crazee Patch Heart. And a link to the Heart Pattern. 

These were the hearts that I sent to Tonya for the Heart Quilt.

 Several of you made Hearts and sent them to Tonya from all over the world.

She then assembled all the Hearts into a quilt and I volunteered to quilt and bind it.

 I decided to quilt it with a simple large meandering with hearts.

 I could have quilted around each heart and added wavy or wiggle lines in the borders, but it didn't need all that.

Sometimes that is all a quilt needs - just a basic large meandering with a few hearts.

I stitched the binding on with an all machine embroidery binding.  I think it gives the quilt a really nice finish!

I carefully trimmed all the loose threads, folded it up and got it ready to mail to the recipient.

I thought about rolling it up to put it in the box.  Either way will be just fine!
Tonya will share some pictures of the recipient and the quilt sometime soon. Thanks to all you who made a Crazee Patch Heart Block for the donation quilt.
We are talking about doing more donation quilts as a group from bloggers again... I'll volunteer to quilt them ... we will need volunteers to suggest a block and do a tutorial. Then we need to make the blocks and then send them to a volunteer to put the top together and mail it to me to quilt it. Then we would have to decide how to choose a recipient. Still thinking about how to organize it... any ideas?  I think we could at least make 4 group quilts a year!  What do you think?  Would you volunteer?  Any ideas? Still thinking?...

Enjoy your day!


  1. LOVE the idea- am starting a quilt for a woman who lost her home to a fire and five of her beloved rescue dogs were also lost! have been receiving donations of fabric squares for the quilt, so any ideas would be helpful!

  2. Count me in but keep it simple as im a novice :)

  3. I love the quilting. Having little hearts tucked in here and there makes for a wonderful surprise. I was too late to join in this block challenge, but I would definitely like to participate for the next one. I follow Tonya's blog and I can't wait to see the reaction of the recipient of the quilt.

  4. would love to participate...
    such a great idea!

  5. It is so lovely. I keep thinking I should have added a border, but it is cute just simple like that.

    Tomorrow is the day that she gets the quilt!

    Love seeing the interest in the charity quilts!


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