
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Hodgepodge Patchwork Tuesday - Scrappy Quilt Challenge Update

The Scrap Quilt Challenge is simple:

  • Make a quilt top using the free form denim block as your pattern as explained in last week's post
  • Take photos of the process from scraps to a finished quilt top (or finished quilt, if you are a quilter and you aren't entering the FREE Quilting Giveaway).
  • Post about it anytime between now and Jan. 17th - Including a back link to my blog.
  • Link up your post on Jan. 17th to the 23rd.
  • What size?  Place mat or mats, Table Runner, Doll Quilt, Small Lap Quilt, and up to a Baby Quilt size. These are the sizes that are eligible for the FREE Quilting Giveaway! You can make it larger if you are quilting it yourself.
  • Winner or winners* will be announced on Jan. 24th 
  • More Information on last week's post! and about more winners!
You may use either of these photos, for your post about your scrappy quilt.  Please share the link to my blog, so others can join the fun. 

This scrappy quilt can be made in just an hour or so, if you have your squares and strips cut, depending on the size you make.  It is fun and easy!
Any other questions email me or leave a comment.
Enjoy your day!

Click here to the post about LINKING up!


  1. I have my fabrics pulled - a few focus prints cut into various stages and ready to play with tomorrow.

  2. I was just getting ready to post on my blog and saw your new info, I'll be sharing this link. This was so much fun....I might make another one! Thanks!


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