
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Hodgepodge Patchwork Tuesday - Scrappy Quilts and a Challenge!

Do you have a few leftover scraps when you finish making a quilt?  
What do you do with them?
Put them in a zip lock bag, shoe box, or throw them in a scrap basket.
Do you have enough to make a small quilt? a place mat? a doll quilt? or a mug rug?
If you don't have enough, you can add a few strips of a matching fabric and throw in a few assorted scraps from another quilt.
Start with a few squares and rectangles cut from your focus fabric.  You should cut them into at least 3 different sizes.  I started with 12 for this quilt. I chose a multi-colored pink print as my focus fabric.  Next I cut strips of various sizes from the other fabrics.

We are going to make the Denim Block. The same block that I used for my Blue UpCycled Denim Quilt, but we won't be adding lattice strips to the blocks. If you need a detailed instruction, click on the link to the Denim Block
Today will mostly be photo steps... with a few words.
Sew a strip on one side of all the squares and rectangles. Press.
Sew a strip on the next side of the squares and rectangles. Press.
Keep adding strips to all four sides of the center.  You now have 12 blocks that look like these.
Lay them out on the table or a design wall.  When I sew at my dinning room table, I throw a white sheet down and use that for my design area. 
The next step is like a puzzle as you place them together and add a few strips in between the blocks to make rows. 
I even sew little pieces together to make a longer strip like this.
I added a pieced strip to the bottom and a solid strip to the top of this block to make it a similar size to create a row of the same sized blocks.

Lay the strips in between the blocks so you can make them fit together. Sew them onto a block.
Sew three blocks together and then trim off the edges.

Keep sewing rows, until you get them all together.  Remember, if they don't fit, sew a strip on or trim off a side or two to make them similar size. Then sew them together. If you get frustrated with matching them up, just cut them all the same size and sew them together.  It might be less interesting, but it will work!  Just have fun with it!
If you like doing puzzles, then this is for you!  Just have fun with it!
Rotary trim and square up the edges of your little quilt. Then add the borders.
Trim all loose threads and press it again.  It is ready to quilt and bind.

That's it!  Fast, fun, easy, and it's simple to create!

Here are some photos of the other two quilts as I made them.


I didn't use all these scraps for the next quilt, but this is the pile I started with. I decided I didn't like some of them together.

On this quilt, I added scrappy pieced borders to just the ends.

If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment or email me at

Are you thinking of sewing your little scraps into a small scrappy quilt?

Why not take the Scrappy Quilt Challenge?

Scrappy Quilt Challenge: 

  • Grab your scraps and make a scrappy quilt using the denim block as explained in this blog.
  • Take photos of the process from scraps to the quilt top (Size must be place mat or larger - up to a baby quilt - no larger).
  • Blog about it or put photos on Flicker in January.
  • Link up on Hodgepodge Patchwork Tuesday on January 17, 2012 thru' Jan. 23rd and the drawing will be announced on Jan. 24th!
  • Leave a comment on the day of your linking up, on that post, to enter the drawing to get your Scrappy Quilt Quilted for FREE!
That is right --- FREE Quilting on your Scrappy Quilt 
and FREE thread 
and FREE batting
Winner of the Giveaway must provide the backing fabric to go with their scrappy quilt or purchase backing fabric from me.  Winner pays shipping back and forth.

*If we end up with several entries, I will offer more than one FREE Quilting Prize!*
What's several?   
More than 25 entries - I will add a second FREE Quilting, FREE Batting, FREE Thread prize winner! If we get 50 - I will add another one.... So help spread the word!
Your chances of winning is one in 25! 

So grab those scraps and start sewing!
If you would like to leave a comment today and let me know if you are thinking of taking the Scrappy Quilt Challenge that would be great!

Enjoy your day!

Update: click here.
Click here to Link up!

Reminder: 20% OFF Quilting Sale in January and February 2012.  It's my 8th Annual Winter Quilting Sale! Still time to schedule at date - must book it by Jan. 2nd in order to get the sale price! 
Update: If you missed this make your calendar for next year's sale and watch for giveaways - several in May - for the May for Me Celebration.

Linked with: 
Happy Quilting: TNT(Trying NEW Things)Thursday- Dec. 15, 2011
Quilting in my Pyjamas: Favourite Things Friday - Dec. 16, 2011
Confessions of a Fabric Addict: Can I get a Whoop Whoop? - Dec. 16, 2011
Crazy Mom Quilts: Finish Up Friday - Dec. 16, 2011
Six Sisters' Stuff: Strut Your Stuff Saturday - Dec. 17, 2011
Stuff and Nonsense: Fridays Unfolded - Dec. 16, 2011
Sew Happy Geek: Manic Monday - Dec. 19, 2011
Sew Chatty: Made with Love - Dec. 19, 2011
Chef in training: Tuesday Talent - Dec. 20, 2011
The Shady Porch: Rock and Share - Dec. 21, 2011
Confessions of a Fabric Addict: Can I get a Whoop Whoop? Dec. 23, 2011
Homemaker in Heels: Weekend Craft Soiree - Jan. 7, 2012
Fabric Story: Fabric Tuesday - Jan. 10, 2012


  1. OH, I'm in - need a project right now. Will grab a scrap bag from tote tomorrow.

  2. Count me in. This looks like fun. I even have a piece of the same pink floral print that you used.

  3. This is a GREAT scrap quilt! and I LUV-LUV your tutorial! Thanks for taking all the does take lots of time to share so many great photos!

    I would really like to try this scrap quilt. I have a longarm (I'm a real beginner, tho). I wouldn't need to win the challenge. How nice of you to give such a wonderful gift to someone!

    annie m.

  4. Beautiful quilting and love your pattern, what kind of thread do you use for your quilting?

  5. They look fabulous!! Love the quilting!!!

  6. First of all, your quilting is gorgeous. And second, I love your tutorial. I have a huge love of scraps and can't seem to throw even tiny pieces away! I recently started a scrappy postage stamp quilt. It's going to take forever but I can't wait to see how it turns out!

  7. This will be great when I need to make baby quilts! :) Your quilting is gorgeous!

  8. I love your quilts, so pretty! I can't take on a new project right now, but will definitely keep this design in mind for when I need to use up scraps! Whoop whoop!!

  9. Cute little quilts! I am wrapping up my scrappy fall now with 1 more pinwheel quilt to go!
    Whoop Whoop!

  10. Thanks for the great tutorial! :-)

  11. Quilting your name into your quilt is a great idea! Your colors are vibrant and thanks for the tutorial.

  12. Love this idea for using up scraps, but I'm most intrigued with your quilting. Absolutely gorgeous! In the photos it looked as if you may have used a heavier thread. Is that right or has your close up just made it look that way? Would love to know your secret.

  13. Your scrappy quilts are beautiful! I love the quilting on it too. Whoop Whoop!

  14. This is a terrific idea to use up scraps!

    I really do drool when I see your quilting.

  15. You make it look effortless = true talent :-)

  16. Amazing what you can create from "throwaways"!

  17. What lovely quilts you made so quickly from scraps. A great idea and a great giveaway!

  18. Those are just incredibly gorgeous scrappy quilts! Love, love, love your colors!! :o)

  19. Ok, need to finish my baby quilt so that I have scraps...I've something in mind!

  20. I doubt I could qualify as it stands to chance I am from another country...but I just wanted to say I love your FMQ! Your stitches are so even and everything looks just lovely!

  21. Great idea for making scrap quilts, thanks!

  22. The quilting is very well done. Really brings out the quilt.

  23. Your quilting is beautiful! A great idea to make a scrap quilt. I'll have to go in my studio and see what I have laying around.

  24. What a great scrap quilt tutorial! Oh boy.......this sounds like fun! Your quilting is beautiful!

  25. Hi! I love your quilts! Your colours are so beautiful and scraps are my favourites! With small patches we can make fabric paintings! x Teje


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