
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Minutes for Me - Linky Party #11 Once a Month Party!

February 1st (Jan. 31st) to February 29th

Who shared at Last month's Party:

Thanks for sharing - a party isn't a party without participants! Hop over and check out their blogs after you link up something fun you want to share here today.  Come back and share another link later in the month. We all love to see what you are sharing on your blogs. Party runs from Feb. 1st to Feb. 29th.
 Follow the Guidelines for sharing at the Minutes for Me Linky Party:
1. The URL is for your specific post.
2. Add your backlink before linking up your post. 
3. Be a follower of this blog, so you can link up every week.
4. Visit others who share. 
5. Please - No advertising or etsy links.
6. Share an Old post or a New post. Add a back link in the post.
7. Link up several posts a month - come back as often as you wish! If you are having fun and you want to share it - share it here!
8. Monthly Party starts at Noon on the 1st day of the month and ends Noon on the last day of the month.
More information about Minutes for Me - click here.

This is my "Minutes for Me Button". 
It is sized to 150X150 pixels for your sidebar or a page of your blog or for in a post. 
On Blogger Blogs: Right Click and save the photo first. Add it under Gadgets, as a Picture, with this link

Are you ready to link up a post or two or three?
Thanks for sharing!
Also, check out the NEW Sharing Page! If you learned something here - share it on the Sharing Page too. Thanks!
Also, check out the NEW Linky Party Page - where I share everyday.


  1. Thank you for listing us that way. :)

  2. Thanks for hosting and for the shout out! I shared a great Peanut Butter Dip and some recipes that would go great for any gathering.


Thanks for leaving a comment! I really appreciate your input and thoughts. If you don't hear from me for a couple days. don't be surprised. If you don't get a reply from me, you are probably a NO REPLY Commenter -- check your settings please. I want to reply to you. And if you have a Yahoo email I may not get your comment in my email. Sorry. Thanks again for commenting!