
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

This morning we enjoyed our coffee in our Valentine Mugs.
Then it's off to work - quilt, quilt, and quilt.  Then I will take some time to play.
Just thought I would share a few hearts with you today.  These are my little quilts.  

As you all know we make quilts and we give them away. Sometimes I make little quilts from the scraps. Then I will have a little quilt to keep.  These are two little quilts that I made from the scraps of baby quilts.

I quilted both of them with ribbon quilting with double hearts...
and finished them off with embroidery stitched binding.
Have a cup of coffee or some tea and enjoy your day!
Click here to see another Table runner for Valentine's Day.
Linked with: 
Pieceful Life: Little Quilts Monday - Feb. 13, 2012


  1. Lovely things you posted. Happy V-Day to you Marcia. I hope it's a great day.

  2. Lovely mini quilts on a sweet, Valentine's day : ) Hope yours is wonderful!

  3. I don't ever get anything for Valentine's Day. This blog brightens my day. Thanks!

  4. Love that ribbon and heart motif! Happy Valentine's Day! :o)

  5. Lovely done, love the pattern you created! Greetings

  6. I do love looking at newly made quilts...of all sizes. Happy Valentines Day!!

  7. Tipping my cup of coffee to you and wishing you a happy Valentine's Day, a day late. Just wanted you to know I read your blog daily but don't always comment. I enjoy it! Cheers!

  8. Beautiful quilts and quilting! Happy Valentine's Day!

  9. I so enjoy seeing your wonderful quilting!


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