
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The First Day of May for Me Celebration

May for Me is all about taking time to play a little bit -- even if it is only 5 minutes!
I shared a song with you yesterday and I am sharing one today ... but I probably won't share one every day.  The songs and dancing started way back in middle school, but I still dance! I am not good at it and I look horrible, but I still sing and dance!
The year I turned 50 and I was having a big celebration for my birthday. We were having live music and I wanted to dance.  Well, I started to worry that I might get too tired to dance at the party.  So, I needed to start dancing months before, in preparation for the party.  I chose a You Tube song every morning and I danced!  Most days, I would dance to 2 or 3 songs and by the time I turned 50, I was feeling great and I danced all night long!  I really enjoyed my party and I wasn't too tired to dance. I kept it up for a long time and then it dwindled off. I have only been dancing a couple times a week. Well, I am going to be 55 this year.  It is time to start dancing again, every day!
Today's song was recommended by Tonya from Hillbilly Handiworks.  She danced with her 2 year old to "Celebration" and they kept playing more songs.  She suggested, I listen to this one!  

The name of the song is "I Feel Like Dancing" by Leo Sayers and the Wiggles.   

The Wiggles --- I said, "Who are the Wiggles?"  You will love it!  Play it and dance!

On Thursday, for the Minutes for Me Linky Party, I would love to have you share any posts you are doing about the May for Me Celebration.  Tell us what you are doing to take time to play!  Are you sewing, quilting, cooking, or dancing?  Share it with us. If you don't have a blog --- share what you are doing in a comment.

I am still working on my list of things I want to do in May...

#11 Replant my plants outside when it gets warm enough.  They love the warmth and the sunshine in my kitchen.  They are really thriving!

#12 Spend more quality time with my husband and family. This photo was taken last summer along the Mississippi River, where we camp.  This summer is our 20th summer of camping.  Wow!
You know, my idea of camping is sewing in the camper.  I have a Sewing Room in our camper.  My husband fishes and I sew!
This is my view of the Mississippi River from my sewing room.
Last summer, at our camper, I created two up cycled quilts.  One from a pair of patchwork shorts and the other one from a denim beaded shirt.

This is my Blue Patchwork Quilt. No, I did not quilt them at the camper.  I am a long arm quilter and I quilted them at home.  And this is my Table Topper Quilt and Hot Pads made from the beaded denim shirt.  You may click on the highlighted links to see more about the quilts.
I have some ideas for this summer.  It may involve the  1 1/2 " scraps from the green donation quilt and from last year's blue donation quilt.  When I was cutting the strips for the courthouse round blocks, I would cut the end pieces into the little squares.
I saved them in a little container just for a special project. I'll be brainstorming some ideas for a quilt in May!  Going to take some time to dream up some ideas!  That makes number 13 of things to do in May.
#13 Dreaming about quilts!

All four May for Me Host Blogs will be posting about the May for Me Celebration today.

We will all be sharing (or Calling) Bingo items every day.  My Bingo Items for calling will be on the next post starting at 5am CST on May 1st <--Click here.

Enjoy your day!


  1. Love the music and enjoyed seeing the clothes they were wearing! Lovely quilts and what a fantastic camper do you have, no place for such a big one over here! Would love to have my sewing room with me, but instead I take some handwork with me while DH is fishing! Enjoy the Summer, greetings

  2. Marcia, looks like you have a little bit of heaven in that sewing room! What a view!

  3. It has, Stephen and I will have to play the song again when he wakes up!

  4. That was so cool. It really made my heart smile! I always loved Leo Sayers. Happy May for Me!!!

  5. Wow Marcia! That looks like an awesome trailer you have. Gosh, I really miss camping because I love being outdoors. OR maybe I should say I USED to love being outdoors. As I get older, I don't tolerate bugs more and more each year, specifically those nasty mosquitos. LOL Now, if I had a camper with a sewing room and a computer room I'd be all in.

    My May for Me thing I will be doing today is to find my sewing room. It's a mess leftover from making my Bingo card and then a family health scare pulled us out of state as well as a few other things so that mess is still staring at me. I cannot work in a disorganized mess so seeing that just totally stifles my creativity. Once I'm done going through the blog hops today and check through emails then I'm going to clean my room so I can be creative and work on baby things for my Granddaughter as long as the forecast storms stay away tomorrow and Thrs. since my machines are unplugged during storms.

  6. I love your quilts and beautiful view of the river!! You have a beautiful family!!

  7. Whoo hooo! I can "dig" camping if it's with that cool set up! LOL THe fun has begun -- I hope to work on a runner today!


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