
Monday, May 14, 2012

It's a May for Me Charming Fabric Giveaway!

This week, I am drawing two "Charming Winners"!

The prizes are the 42 square charm packs created by you!
That means the winner will choose from the 20 Quilter's Blenders Fabrics to create their own charm pack.

You can choose two colors - that's 21 of one color and 21 of another color.

You can choose three colors - that's 14 of one color and 14 of a second color and 14 of the third color.
Even though blue is my favorite color, I love this combination of pinks.
Remember my table runner and table topper from Valentine's Day? I added a floral fabric with the charms to both the table runner and the table topper.

You can choose to have 7 squares of 6 different colors like the ones I carry on my website, but you can choose the colors!
There is the Bright Pack.

The Pastel Pack,

and the Purples and Pink Pack.

The Quilter's Blenders Charms would be perfect for the block fabric of the Zig Zag Quilt, if you are doing the challenge. You could even choose 42 Squares of the same color! I used the Cream Quilter's Blenders for my Ziggin' Outside the Block Quilt.
I cut charm squares smaller and into rectangles for my table runner and place mat - Quilts built by Imagination.
So, if you are one of the two "Charming Winners", then you can choose and create your 42 Square Charm Pack! 

What colors would you choose, if you won?

To enter the Charming Fabric Giveaway - tell me what colors of the Quilter's Blenders Fabrics you would choose if you won.
Leave a comment here. 

Leave a comment on my facebook page (see link in sidebar).
Send me a direct email -

One entry per person.
All entries from here and facebook and direct email will be in the drawing.

Giveaway ends Friday, May 18th at Midnight CST and will be announced the two "Charming Winners" on the weekend. Yes - I will mail Internationally for the Giveaway!

Update: This Giveaway has ended. 
The winners will be posted on Sunday, May 20th.

Enjoy your day!

Note:  I do cut charm packs of any of the Quilter's Blenders Fabrics for email direct orders. Same price as the charm packs on the website. Just email me and request it! 


  1. A lovely give away! Just love how you set up visual photos, so many choices. Love the blues, but the pinks do look so yummy.

  2. I love them all!! But the pinks and purples are my favorite!! All your quilts are adorable!!

  3. How special of you..... I love the bright pack... it reminds me of a rainbow....

  4. Oooh I love the pinks, but I have a friend who is having a boy!!

  5. I love the bright pack and the sample pack (the first one in the list)
    But I think I would like to get a full rainbow of colours, so red, orange, yellow, green, blue,indigo and violet.
    I would make this up using Blender fabric in:
    New BLUE
    Red Purple

  6. Very nice giveaway :D
    All are yummy. I think a pastel pack would make a pretty baby blanket for my friend's first grand baby.

  7. If I would win, I choose 42 reds, because I did get last week some beautiful cream fabric from my DH and I have patterns for a red and white quilt! What a trouble you have gone through making all these choices visible! Wish everyone success and thanks for the give away! Greetings

  8. Que lindo e generoso pacote,eu escolho o pacote PASTÉIS,assim como se apresentam nas fotos.O motivo é simples:Neta nova-18 de abril-que tal uma colcha aconchegante para o nosso inverno aqui no Brasil,região serrana,frio para

  9. I'd choose reds. I've got a project in mind for my MIL. Thanks for the chance to win.

  10. I love bright colors so that would be my choice.

  11. Oh there is so many beautiful colors. I think I would have to choose a brown and teal colorway since they would look lovely with a quilt that I have in mind...TY

  12. Hi, Thanks for the giveaway. Super easy question to answer, Purples & Pinks or Pastels.

  13. Definitely the Bright Pack. Those colours are gorgeous.

  14. I like all of them but if I were to win I would like the blue and yellow to finish off a baby quilt i'm working on

  15. I'd love the orange, yellow and green ..I'm doing a citrus quilt and they'd be the perfect compliment to my "slices" fabric.

    shel704 at aol dot com

  16. I'd choose orange, ocean blue & cream. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  17. I would chose the purple and pinks...thanks for such a fun giveaway.

  18. I'd pick the orange and the two blues from the bright pack, plus some cream. Thanks for the chance!

  19. I love the Bright Pack! Very suitable for an i-spy quilt. :)

  20. Blues of whatever assortment you have

  21. This is an interesting giveaway. I think I would go for 3 blues (I think I saw 3 different ones, anyway) or the three pink combo that you also used for your tablerunner. Thanks for sharing!

  22. I would definitely pick the pastel pack. :)

  23. What a generous giveaway! I would choose three colors...three different shades of blue/bluegreen. :) Good luck to the winner!!

  24. I would choose the brights. I love those colors.

  25. I would chose the pastels pack.

  26. Good Morning, Marcia. If I win, I would choose the pastel pack. I really love those colors. Thanks for the giveaway.

  27. What a great giveaway. I love the pastels, and the pink and purples.


  28. I would choose some purples and greens for the charm pack!

  29. The colors are so pretty I can't choose. If I am the lucky winner, please send me any colors you like so that it will be a surprise.

  30. fun giveaway! Definitely pink would be my first choice.

  31. Oh man, this is a tough one. All look pretty cool but I am a blue fan just like you so that's what I would go with :)

  32. Those are all fabulous. I really love the pastels, but I might want to make that zigging quilt in agua greens. Awesome!

  33. After seeing all the options it sure is difficult. I think I would pick the bright colors.

  34. I love all of them, but when I could choose, I would choose the pink and purple pack, I love the combination

  35. Pinks! I was told at retreat I was a PINK GIRL!

  36. I would choose cream, deep red and green if i won! Thanks for this lovely giveaway!

  37. What a difficult choice. I would choose purple and pink. Thanks for the chance to win.

  38. They are all lovely but my choice would be the purples and pinks.

  39. They all are so beautiful. I do love pinks. I also like the bright colors thanks,

  40. Really pretty blender fabrics! I may be odd, but I would choose all black. :)

  41. The blues, and bright green, and hard to choose! Thanks for the chance to win. VermontPines at aol dot com

  42. What a fun and generous giveaway. I think I like the bright pack.

  43. What a fun and generous giveaway. I think I like the bright pack.

  44. probably white, gold, and lite blue. I actually don't buy many solids or almost solids, they would be handy!

  45. Wow you have a lot of fun stuff here. I enjoyed my visit and became a follower. I too live in wisconsin. I also invite you to my blog.


  46. I like your picture with the combination of pinks...maybe throw in a cream and I'd be good to go! =)


  47. oh dear.... I think I would have to look in my stash and figure out what I need to go with... whatever is next on the list. I love the brights but I am daydreaming of a green or teal quilt so maybe or then again cream and whites could be useful or some blacks and tans or.... or... :) thanks for the chance to win! :)

  48. I like what you have done with charm packs. Very pretty quilts and colors too. Any of the colors would be fun to work with, but as you asked us to pick one, I'll pick green/yellow.


  49. I would choose the blue and the light blue. I don't know why, but I thinnk blue can go with anything!

  50. I love the Bright Charm Pack as it is - I especially like the 2 blues! Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  51. im into reds and oranges :)
    thnks for the opportunity!

  52. What a fabulous giveaway and fabric - and what a difficult decision to make but I think I would choose the pastel group. Thanks.

  53. Hummm...which would I chose if I won??? I think the purples!

  54. I think I would choose the bright pack, but it's a hard decision.

  55. Such a great giveaway but such a cruel choice to have to make! Err....Ocean blue and yellow, I don't think I could use them for the same projects but I love how bright and cheerful they are!

  56. I would definitely choose the pastels - beautiful colours and perfect for all the baby quilts I'm making at the moment for friends! Thanks for the giveaway - love your blog!

  57. Cute idea for a giveaway, Marcia. I would choose red, orange and yellow, to start with.

  58. I would choose the bright pack. Great give-away!

  59. I would pick the pastel pack! all such lovely color combinations.

  60. I am a blue person so I would go with blues but the purple and pink do look wonderful!!just maybe

  61. What a great idea for a giveaway! I would love a combination of creams and neutrals. They work for most any pattern. Thanks!

  62. I would love to have the blue pastels because there are many baby boys on the way this year...please:)


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