
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Winners of the Zig Zag Quilt Challenge

There were three bloggers who entered Zig Zag Quilts in the Linky Party Zig Zag Quilt Challenge.  

I stewed all day about doing the drawing.  Then I decided not to do a drawing, but instead just award all three of them the Free Quilting, Free Batting, and Free Thread on a Zig Zag Quilt.

The winners are Sharon, Vesuviusmama, and Kim!  I have contacted all three of them to let them know they have won Free Quilting, Free Batting, and Free Thread on a Zig Zag Quilt up to a baby quilt size (40" X 50") or 4 place mats, or a table runner or table topper.

You can click on their names and hop over check out their Zig Zag Quilts and congratulate them on winning!

Sharon and Kim quilted their Zig Zag Quilts for their entry in the challenge, but that is ok, because they can make another Zig Zag Quilt top to be quilted for Free!  The only thing the winner has to pay for is shipping. When I quilt the three winners quilts I will blog about it like I did for the Thread Painting Prize and the Scrappy Quilt Challenge.

I know some of you started a Zig Zag Quilt top, but didn't get to finish it. Life gets in the way of completing quilting projects sometimes.  That's OK. There will be more quilt challenges, but maybe in January!

Enjoy your day!


  1. Thanks so much! I really appreciate it! I think summer is a difficult time for challenges - people seem so consumed with so many things! I'll have to get working on a new zig zag quilt! Can't wait! Thanks again!

  2. Thank you so much for your generousity.

  3. Thanks for this fantastic challenge and I wish the winners good luck with their new quilts! Greetings

  4. Congrats to those 3 lucky ladies, I am sure they will be as happy with their quilts as I am :)

  5. I am so thrilled!!! Please let me know where to ship my top and backing. You don't know how exciting this is for me - I've only ever had one quilt quilted by someone else- all the rest I hand quilt, which, of course, means SLOW going. Thanks so much for your generosity!

  6. Congratulations to all three! I started one, but didn't get very you said, life got in the way this time! LOL Thanks for your generosity in awarding prizes. I've never had a quilt professionally done, so I'd love to win that someday! Hugs!


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