
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Red, White, and Blue Blog Block Hop and Quilting Giveaway!

First, Thanks for hopping over to see my Red, White, and Blue Block and I would like to invite you to enter my Quilting Giveaway!

I just couldn't resist making the Zig Zag Block in the Red, White, and BlueSince I am a long arm quilter, with a whole quilt shop full of extra wide fabrics, it makes sense to use them. I chose the Red from the Quilter's Blenders Fabrics and the Blue in a Colortone Floral Fabric. The white is a white on white fabric. This white is similar to the one I carry in the extra wide fabrics. I love the textures in each of the fabrics!

The Zig Zag Block is a simple block to construct and if you already follow my blog, you have seen similar posts in different colors.  You will love it in Red, White, and Blue!

Press/iron your fabric. Then rotary cut strips from each color. I am not giving you an amount as we are only making some blocks, not a whole quilt.

White fabric: 5 inches wide by length of fabric
Blue and Red fabric: 1 1/2 and 2 inch strips of both

Stitch blue and red strips on opposite sides of the white strips.  Some with both blue and both red and some with red and blue.  No photo of this step, but you should be able to understand it. It will make sense as we go along.

Press/iron the red and blue strips with the seam allowance away from the white. Rotary cut them 5 inches across to make several blocks that have strips on two opposite sides.

Stitch red and blue strips to the other two sides.

Remember, it doesn't matter if they are 2 inch or 1 1/2 inch strips. Just stitch them on. It doesn't matter which colors either.

At this point, you should have white squares that have strips stitched onto all four sides. Press/iron.

Don't worry about trimming the ends of the strips.  You could even cut them with a scissors, as we are going to rotary cut again. They are also all different sizes, because we used different size strips.

Press/iron. Then, we will slice - rotary cut the block into four sections.

I don't know why the picture is sideways?  It uploaded that way.  I can't fixed it. But I think you get the idea.

Here are the 4 sections.

Now we will square up each section at an angle.

Trim the right side and the top.  Make sure the square is lined up, so you can cut a 3 1/4" or a 3 " block.

Then flip it around and cut the bottom and the left sides.

I put the trimmed pieces around the block, so you can see how I cut it.

That's it! The Zig Zag Block!

Another option, would have been to start with little squares of the white fabric and just added strips onto two of the sides and then angle squared it up.

OK, so what is so cool about the Zig Zag block?

It's fun and easy!
No matching of seams!
A perfect block to use up scraps and strips!
Forms cool designs with the zigs and zags when you layout the block to make a quilt top!

Here are a few layouts:

 I placed a sheet down first, so I would not have to lay out all the white squares.  I positioned all the zig zig blocks with the zig zag in the top right corner.

I mixed them up and started a new design.  You can see I have cut some 3 1/4 inch white squares or 3 inches, if you squared up your zig zag blocks to 3 inches.

I positioned the zig zag corners together on this layout.  I just kept moving them around and trying new patterns.

I love the red and blue against the white!  It looks like a chain or a braid.

Next, I tried them in a straight pattern.  This time I grabbed the ones that were all blue or all red.

Mixed them up again.

This time, I tried alternating the reds and the blues to create this pattern.

The possibilities seem endless!
Want to see more Zig Zag designs? Click here.

Thanks for hopping by!

I am sharing a Giveaway today of my Free Style Quilting. I am a long arm quilter. I quilt full time, 5 days a week, and in business for over 9 years. There are links in the sidebars to posts about recent quilting winners and free style quilting.

You can enter for a chance to win:

Free Quilting,

Free Batting,

and Free Thread!

What size?
   on a table topper
   or  a table runner
   or  a small wall hanging 
   or  two place mats
   or  4 mug rugs!
Sizes will range depending upon what item you choose to be quilted, But No larger than 20 inches X 20 inches.

Winner provides quilt top and quilt backing fabric. 
Winner pays shipping both ways - Open to everyone!

Plus, if you win and you don't have a little quilt that needs to be quilted, you can share your prize with a friend.

Leave a comment to enter - Tell me what you would have quilted if you win!  If you are new to following my blog, you can click on the links in the sidebar for viewing the different styles of free style quilting. They link you to several posts for each style.

I always reply to comments, but I will be a little slow to reply as we will be hosting our new family and friends and celebrating the wedding of our daughter in July.  Please make sure you leave an email, if you are a no reply blogger. Thanks!

Giveaway ends Saturday, July 21st, Midnight CST and will be announced on Sunday, July 22nd.  Tuesday July 24th <- Update.

Thanks to Jane's Fabrics for hosting the Red, White, and Blue Blog Hop!

Thanks to Madamn Samm from Sew We Quilt for thinking of the idea!

Enjoy the Hop!

July 1st

July 2nd

July 3rd
July 4th

July 5th

July 6th

July 7th

July 8th
Diane P (we host)

July 9th
Quilted Sisca (I will Host)

July 11th
Nancy R

July 12th

July 13th
Plum and June
Kathy H (we host)

July 14th
Diann C  (we host)

July 15th


  1. This is such a fun and easy block with so many possibilities - I know I enjoyed playing with it. Please exempt me from the give away as I already have a quilting ste up with you.

  2. I have a mystery quilt finish that I would love to have quilted by someone else! Thanks for the interesting red, white and blue tutorial.

  3. I enjoyed seeing your zig zag pattern in your earlier post and just love it in the Red, White and Blues, great tutorial Marcia!

  4. I would make something special just for you to quilt! I love your flowers and the last gal had the cute chickens... My mom collects chickens ! The red white and blue zig zag is wonderful !

  5. Thanks for the inspiration to make such a cute block.

  6. Hi Marcia, what a great idea and so many ways to make the quilt. I would make something just for you to quilt. Thanks for sharing. Susie x

  7. Good morning, Marcia! I love your post...the block is fabulous and your tutorial is excellent...all those pictures are so inspiring! I have a little basket quilt just waiting to be quilted, so this is my choice if I win. Enjoy your day!

  8. wow that was a pretty big
    the colour are amazing

  9. Love the zigzag idea. So simple and yet so stunning. I don't have anything that size, but I would make something for you to quilt if I won.

  10. I Love this technique Marcia!! Someday I will try it!

    Huggs, Nancy

  11. Lots of great possibilities with this block and really does look great in red ,white and blue .

  12. Great tutorial - thanks for sharing.

  13. Love this tutorial - such a striking quilt - Thanks for your offer. Judy C

  14. What a unique design. Love all of the possibilities.

  15. Really cool blocks. Thanks for the great tut. If I'm so lucky to win I'd have a wallhanging quilted. I have a couple in the works and would love to have them finished instead of just waiting on me to find the time.

  16. Amazing number of options. How to choose just one.

  17. Wow, great block. so many ways to use it! as for the give a way, too many choices right now but will surely be able to pick one if I win! Happy Independence day!

  18. I love this method and your blocks. Thanks o much for sharing!

  19. Thanks for the great tutorial. I particularly like the setting that looks like a chain. Thanks for offering the generous giveaway. I would choose a wall hanging to be quilted.

  20. Love the design and material! I have just the small lap quilt that needs quilting!

  21. Thanks for a great tutorial!

  22. I could probably pull out one of the quilt tops I made previously to be totally finished. Love the way the block is so versatile!

  23. What a cool block. Thanks for the tutorial.

  24. What an inspiration you are. I've been visiting your blog this morning and read about your sewing in 15-30 minute increments. I think you've changed my life. I've been depriving myself of wonderful crafting time because I seem to think I must have a few uninterrupted hours. Well.... that hardly ever happens, so I wind up not doing anything.
    Yesterday I had nearly a whole day to myself and I reorganized my craft space. It's crazy better with the same furniture, just in different spots.
    Anyhooo.... You've inspired me to try to grab my crafting in small time slots. It will surely make me a happier crafter.

    I just started following your blog and can't wait to visit longer. For now, I must go craft!

    Take care and thanks.


  25. Great looking quilt Marcia, exempt me from your giveaway as I'm sure I don't deserve 2 wins! So happy with my chickens!! Happy to hop with you :)

  26. I love anything in red, white and blue.

    I'm in the process of doing a red, blue and tans, creams, etc. quilt. If I would win, I would complete that quilt. Thanks for the chance to win.

  27. Your block creates such cute patterns. I especially like the one where you laid the blocks in strait lines by color. How Fun!!

    If I win in your giveaway. I would have a little Halloween wall quilt quilted by you. I have had it sitting here unfinished for far too long.

  28. This is such a great pattern!! I love it!!! Thanks for the wonderful tutorial!!

  29. Thanks for the Zig Zag tutorial. If I'm lucky enough to win, I'd have my Christmas table topper quilted. I made it soon after I started quilting - it's a miniature storm at sea that looks like Christmas ornaments. Thanks for the chance.

  30. This is so much fun...may have to try this for my next QOV quilt!

  31. Such a great tutorial! I want to try it now--love how it looks.

  32. I have a couple of smallish tops I would love to have pieced. One made for a firend who died before I could finish.

  33. Great idea and tutorial. It would be fun to make a quilt using all the different configurations.

  34. Great tutorial and fun block,looks fantastic!!

  35. I don't know how I missed zig zag block in the past - but now I want to go try it out. I am currently working on an interpretation of an american flag in hexies and it would be great to have you quilt it.

  36. Wow!! Fantastic tutorial! NOW that looked like a lot of work for you!! We appreciate the detail!
    Also what a generous give away! If I was lucky enough to win I have a table topper that is ready to be quilted!! What a change it would be to see REAL quilting on one of my projects!! Thanks for the chance!

  37. I love this! I've never tried anything wonky and so appreciate the tutorial. Thanks so much for inspiring me :)

  38. Happy Hop Day Marcia, What a fun little block! There are so many things you can do with it. Thank you so much for the great tutorial! and thanks for playing!

  39. LOVE the tutorial...and I love the Navy blue fabric!!! Is that one of the extra wide fabrics? Beautiful!!!

  40. I am making a zig zag quilt out of bright scraps! I would have you quilt my rainbow strip quilt.

  41. The block is beautiful! Hmm....I don't' know what I would have quilted. Maybe a tabletopper.

  42. I would love to have one of my Schnibbles free hand quilted! I have one that would fit the size requirements. Thank you for the tutorial and your generosity!

  43. That was cool seeing you take an ordinary block and tweak it a bit to make it extraordinary and what fun all the different designs you could make the quilt into. Thank you so much!!

  44. That block is amazing, so many choices. If I won, I'd leave the quilting design up to you.

  45. What wonderful possibilities with this block - and what fun to make! To be honest I have no idea what I would have quilted if I won, but I bet I'd find something. :) blessings, marlene

  46. Love your quilt, can't wait to try it!

  47. Wow what a generous giveaway... I would have to go look in my to be quilted file to see what I would choose. Thanks for the giveaway

  48. Marcia, I LOVE your block and the many possibilities! I most make one, even if it's just a runner! Thanks for sharing the great tutorial, and your generous giveaway. If I won, I would have you quilt a runner made using your pattern. Ü

  49. Loved the tutorial and all the possibilities!!

  50. What a fun block and such a clear tut to go with it. you are right the possiblities are endless. Thanks.

  51. What a fun block - it looks great in red, white & blue. The possibilities are almost endless! Thanks for the tutorial.

  52. The zig zag quilt is great and looks like it would be fun to make. If I were to win I would make a table topper quilt to be quilted.

  53. What fun blocks...great tutorial Marcia!! I'd make something special for you to quilt. Thanks for the chance.

  54. I will have a couple of quilts to have quilted. That is so nice of you! What a wonderful tutorial! Thanks

  55. Wow, I really like the endless possibilities with your zigzag block! What fun!! :)

  56. I would have you quilt a table topper. I love your tutorial and the way you mixed them up for different ideas.

  57. Great blocks and a tutorial to bookmark! I would made a little doll blanket for my granddaughter for you to quilt...hope I win. Thanks!

  58. Nice tutorial, Marcia, as yours always are.
    If I could win your giveaway, I would have you quilt a small wallhanging that I'm going to make for a "Challenge" project for our quilt guild.

  59. Hooray for the red white and blue. Your blocks are crazy fabulous. Thank you for sharing. Fourth of July Sparklers...

  60. I love the zig zag blocks, they look like they would be fun to make. I have a couple of small quilts I would like to make and would do so if I won your giveaway.

  61. Such fun blocks to play around with! Thanks for this tutorial.

  62. I've never made a zig zag block before but it sure looks easy and versatile. I would LOVE to have something quilted by you! Probably a table runner and then if I like, which I know I will, I have a quilt or 2 or 3 needing the services of a good long arm quilter. Hope I win!
    Gmama Jane

  63. I've never made a zig zag block before but it sure looks easy and versatile. I would LOVE to have something quilted by you! Probably a table runner and then if I like, which I know I will, I have a quilt or 2 or 3 needing the services of a good long arm quilter. Hope I win!
    Gmama Jane

  64. What a great block. So many different ways to design and looks fun playing with all the choices. Sounds like life is about to get very busy for you. Congratulations on your daughter's upcoming wedding.

    Thank you for a great giveaway and a chance to win. I'm not sure what I'd have quilted but I'll find something. hehe.


    HAPPY 4TH!

  66. Absolutely love zig zags - thanks for sharing all the awesome possibilities!

  67. Such a fun block, lots of variety!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  68. I would ove to win! I do not know what I would have quilted but I am sure I could come up with something!

  69. I'm designing a Christmas wall hanging that I would love to see you work your magic on!
    Thanks for showing all the possibilities with the zigzag block!

  70. I have a very small wall hanging I need to quilt.

  71. What fun!! There are so many great ways to use this block. If I would be the lucky winner.. I would have a wallhanging quilted and then keep it for myself. I usually do runners and wallhanging to give as gifts to family and friends.

  72. That zig zag block is great! I am definitely going to try it out! Thanks for the giveaway too!

  73. Thank you for an awesome tutorial on making the Zig Zag Block! Please choose another for the give away as I am also a longarm quilter! I just wanted to express my appreciation for the tutorial!!

  74. I would love to win quilting from you! I saw the chicken quilt you did for Kris and it is fabulous! I

  75. If I win, I have a Christmas wall hanging that needs quilted. Our son is getting married on July 28. Our house is busy as well. Thanks for the give away!

  76. I love, love your red,white and blue quilt. I know it took you a long time:) I also love to make quilts and other items and would love for you and your friends to join me at

  77. I've never seen blocks constructed in this way before - it looks like a lot of fun! No stressing over the seams that don't quite line up or the points that juuuuuust got cut off! It reminds me of a square dance, where the caller says, if you want to...slide through (or whatever call he calls), then if you want to....couples trade (again, or whatever he calls)...and he keeps going like that. Some couples do the call, some don't, but when it's all over, everyone's been mixed up and put back together again. Somehow, it always works out! Just like your quilt!

    Now...what would I get quilted? I have a lovely kit that a dear friend gave me, in my colors, and of a gecko, since I'm down here in TX....and what's keeping me from putting it together? Well, because I only do stitch in the ditch, and this little wallhanging deserves so much more than that! Thanks for sharing with us!!

  78. I love all the possibilities
    that the zig zag block gives. How fun to play with a design like that. If I won the prize, I would have a wallhanging quilted. Of course I'd have to make one first. LOL

  79. Beautiful as usual Marica! If I won I would probably have a baby quilt I yet have to make, or possibly something else I get finished. I'm doing the beginner quilt along but don't know how long it will take to complete that one. I guess as you can tell, I really don't have anything specific right this second. I DO still need to get that baby quilt done however that you've heard about before. LOL My Granddaughter will be 5 months old in ten days so I need to get hers done soon.

    Thank you very much for showing your zig zag tutorial again. It helps to see something more than once for me since I'm one of those visual learners.

  80. I like the red-white-blue for the zig zag quilts (and no seams to match). I would make a minature doll quilt for the prize as like to make at least one for each grandniece.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. I Love Your Zig Zag Quilt and Tutorial! I would love to have a Quilt done in Thread Painting! This is a technique I am playing with!

  83. What a wonderful block! Thanks for sharing it, with a tutorial and inspiration for layouts. Wow. So many wonderful choices!

  84. Thanks for sharing such a great block with so many possibilities. I'd love to have a quilt quilted by you!

  85. Zig-Zag will never be the same after seeing your work. Thank you - I have looked at the others slightly overwhelmed at the moment. Will have to look & probably look again to absorb it.

  86. Hi, Marcia - great post - I especially like the different layouts you've shown. I'm not entering your Giveaway - just wanted to comment!

  87. I love your tutorial...a zig-zag is on my bucket list. I would love to have you do some mug rugs for me or a small wall hanging. I love your quilting. Thank you for being so generous. Happy 4th of July!

  88. The possibilities are definitely endless. I would have to quickly make a mini if I were to win.

  89. Great tutorial. If I won I would send you my table runner to be quilted. It is not finished yet but I'm working on it.

  90. Thank you for sharing the tutorial!! WOW! amazing work and inspiration:)

  91. This looks like a fun idea with lots of possibilities! Thanks for sharing,

  92. WOw nice tute and great giveaway!

  93. great giveaway and beautiful blocks

  94. Thanks for sharing your RWB zig zag block - and showing the different ideas for the settings! Please put my name in the hat for the drawing!

  95. Thanks for sharing your RWB zig zag block - and showing the different ideas for the settings! Please put my name in the hat for the drawing!

  96. I'm gonna go make 4 mug rugs for you to quilt for me!!!

  97. I would have you quilt a small wool auction quilt.

  98. such a great technique and so many ways to lay them out - thanks :)

  99. That is a really cool design! I like how you can lay them out in so many ways and make new designs.

    Wonderful Job. :)


  100. Marcia - You did so many things with those ziggy zaggy blocks. That is so clever! Thanks for showing that to us. I would have a table runner quilted, if I should win. Lovely site!

  101. I love what you did with your block(s) design. Wonky, freestyle, right up my alley.

    What would I ask you to quilt for me? Looking a my two shelves of unquilted tops, the decision would be difficult.

    The practical me says, "The queen-sized Storm at Sea!" but the freestyle random me says, "Close your eyes and pull something from the shelf!"

  102. Thanks for sharing the zig zag tutorial...lots of inspiration!! Have a wonderful week!!

  103. Great block! Thank you for the great giveaway.


Thanks for leaving a comment! I really appreciate your input and thoughts. If you don't hear from me for a couple days. don't be surprised. If you don't get a reply from me, you are probably a NO REPLY Commenter -- check your settings please. I want to reply to you. And if you have a Yahoo email I may not get your comment in my email. Sorry. Thanks again for commenting!