
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May for Me Celebration Starts Today!

It's all about taking time for yourself - May for Me! It's about finding 5 minutes a day - every day for the whole month of May to do something that you want to do - creating, playing, or just taking time to relax.

Are you ready for the 2013 May for Me Celebration?  YES!

Add your Blog Link to the linky list, if you are going to be participating in the 2013 May for Me Celebration!

Add the Name of your Blog.

What does it mean participating in the May for Me Celebration?

It's simple --- It means you are adding the May for Me Button to your sidebar and sharing at least one post about taking time to play - Minutes for you - in May.

 Add your Blog Link  
AND  please... Grab the May for Me Button 
in the sidebar of my blog.

After you grab the button and add it, If you do a post about the May for Me Celebration --- Please share the link to your post on the weekly Minutes for Me Linky Parties.  So everyone can hop over and see and read what you have to share!

Take time to play -- Minutes for Me!

You can Follow me on Twitter 
at CraftySewing for more updates!

You can also follow me on my facebook page at Marcia's Crafty Sewing and Quilting Facebook Page. 

There will be one Giveaway a week!  
1st Giveaway starts on May 2nd! 

May for Me!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Marcia, I am no longer blogging but I will take a little 'May for Me' time when I can. Lots of projects are in the works for me right now. lol I look forward to seeing all of your creations for May :)


Thanks for leaving a comment! I really appreciate your input and thoughts. If you don't hear from me for a couple days. don't be surprised. If you don't get a reply from me, you are probably a NO REPLY Commenter -- check your settings please. I want to reply to you. And if you have a Yahoo email I may not get your comment in my email. Sorry. Thanks again for commenting!