
Sunday, March 6, 2016

My Stick Family Quilt

My Grandson is 2 1/2 years old and he loves to draw.  They roll out a big white paper and they all sit on the floor and color or paint on it.  When we skype with them he narrates what he is drawing.  The other day he drew a skateboard and then took off his shoes and slid on the paper like he was a skateboarder falling down.  He said they go like this.... 

On Sunday, when the challenge was announced that we were to be inspired by children's artwork, I knew I had to use white fabric with the fabric markers and create a family of stick people.  I only drew bodies and arms and legs with a head and only eyes and a big smile.  No hair, no hands, no skirts or pants, that way any of the people can me anyone as my grandson names them... This is Mama and Dada and this is Grandmama and Baba and Oma and Opa and this is Uncle B and Uncle Joris..... I did add 2 dogs as we needed to include our Toby and my grand-dogger Rogue.

It's reversible!

Here's all the photos to show you "Step by Step" how I made my "Stick Family" quilted table runner.

I will be linking up for Project Quilting over a Persimon Dreams Blog for this week's challenge.

You will be amazed at all the quilts that are created in only one week, that are inspired by children's artwork!

Hop over and check out all the quilts!

Enjoy your evening!



  1. Oh my goodness, I love, love, LOVE this runner! It brings back so many memories of when my kids and grandkids were small. Brilliant! :)

  2. Oh, Marcia! This is too cute for words. Your grandson will love it and naming everyone.


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