
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Getting Up Close to My Quilting - Wiggle Line Quilting

Wiggle Line Quilting is one of my favorite free style quilting choices.

It gives the quilt a very modern look versus a straight line quilting. 

The Wiggle Line softens the straight lines of the quilt.

My customers bring me the COOLEST quilts to quilt!

Enjoy your day!



  1. The quilt looks great and love the wiggle lines on it. If my quilt had wiggle lines it is because I am shaking trying to make straight lines. :)

  2. I LOVE wiggle line quilting! I've done it on several quilts. It really adds something fun. That rally is a cool quilt.

  3. So, let me ask, how does one do wigge line quilting?

  4. Wiggle line is one of my favorites tooooo


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