
Monday, November 7, 2011

Minutes for Me - Monday Features!

I was so pleased with the wonderful shares that you linked up for the "Minutes for Me" Linky Party.

It is so important to at least take a few minutes each day to enjoy a few moments.  Remember the old saying: "stop and smell the roses".  Our lives get too busy and we forget to do that.  So when you have a moment of something special, share it with us.  Take a photo or just write a post about it.  By doing that you will take note of the wonderful moments that seem so far and few between.  You will find out you have a lot more than you think.  It is kind of like counting your blessings.

My Favorite Saying
It doesn't matter where you go in life...what you much you's who you have beside you that matters. 

For me, it is my husband and everyone in my family.

If you haven't read my post about this bloom, here it is - The story of the First Bloom. It was a really special moment for me! 

Each week I will feature a couple shares from the Minutes for Me Linky Party. Thanks to all of you for sharing.

Carmen from Roca and Company linked up right away and had the most views. Carmen shared a wonderful post about doing crafts with her kids at the dinning room table.
Hop over and check it out!

Sharon from Vrooman's Quilts added a special section to her posts - called "Minutes for Me".  Sharon is doing cross stitching for relaxation and is going to set a goal to enjoy her minutes, doing her stitching. Hop over and check it out!
Carmen and Sharon please add the "Featured at" button to your blog sidebar.  Right click and save the image. Then go to Add a Gadget and add it as a picture and include this link
It is already sized to a button size of 150 X 150

The linky parties will be each week, from Wednesday night to Monday morning at 6am. 
More information - click here.

Again, thanks to all of you for linking up to the Minutes for Me Linky Party. 
Help spread the word so others can share with us too!

Enjoy your day and take a minute or two for you!


  1. Thank you Marcia - I quickly added the button - so honored!

  2. I'm going to try to participate for the upcoming one. These are great features!

  3. I love the family moments as well...those are great Me moments!


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