
Friday, December 9, 2011

Blog Hop Party at Quilting Gallery and Quilting Giveaway Here!

Update: This Giveaway has officially ended.
Michele at Quilting Gallery is celebrating her 4th Anniversary with a Blog Hop Giveaway!
I am joining the fun and hosting a giveaway too!
230 Bloggers from 20 countries pre registered and are hosting giveaways on their blogs.  You can hop from Blog to Blog entering to win tons of prizes from all 230 wonderful quilting bloggers.  I'm one of 230 bloggers!

Today you can enter to win $40.00 OFF the Quilting on a Lap size quilt or larger.
PLUS backing fabric OR batting! Your choice! (value $20 to $50 depending on the size of you quilt - Lap to King size!) I carry 30 Extra Wide backing fabrics. Or you can choose batting. I carry Hobbs Poly, 80/20 in white, cream, and black, 100% Cotton in white and cream, Thermore - a very thin batting, and even includes the premium quality Washable Wool Batting.

That is a total value of $60.00 to $90.00 depending on the size of your quilt! 

Your quilt can be a lap size or larger! A lap size is approximately 3000 square inches.  It would measure about 45" X 67" = 3015 square inches.

Another BONUS -This gift certificate is transferable - which means you can enter and win and give the gift certificate as a gift to anyone!
Gift certificate will be good for 31 days - Jan. 1 to Jan. 31, 2012. 

How to enter the drawing? 2 chances to win!
  • Leave a comment* and I would love for you to follow me - one chance in the drawing.
  • Share my giveaway on your blog with a link to this post.  Please use my "Button Logo" on your post. Include the link to your post in a second comment - second chance in the drawingYou can grab my button with the link from my side bar of my blog. Or Copy and Save it as an Image and add it to your post. Either way will be perfect!

Drawing will be Dec. 17, 2011 at 10pm CST and will be announced here on Nov. 18th. 

*Your comment:  If you won ... What free style quilting design would your choose?  

Swirls...   Wiggle Lines...

Triangle Quilting...    Zentangle Quilting...

Double Bubbles...
Whimsical Fish...   Whimsical Flowers...

Scroll down the blog.... Just click on them in the side bar and view the posts about each free style quilting design.  Some are one post about that design style and some are several posts about that style of quilting.

The Blog Hop Party starts tomorrow, December 10th. Have fun hopping around to the quilting blogs entering to win tons of prizes compliments of Michele from the Quilting Gallery!

You can enter my "Quilting Giveaway" today.

Thanks for entering!

My drawing is open to everyone, US and Internationally. You will be responsible to pay the shipping of the quilt back and forth and any duties or taxes.

If I can't reply to your comment -- add your email to the comment, please! 

20% OFF Quilting Sale in January and February 2012.
It's my 8th Annual Winter Quilting Sale!


  1. I like the looks of Zentangle quilting, but my all time favorite is feathers. I have a blue & white Irish chain quilt all ready to go, but I want feathered hearts in the open areas. My local long armer has just started to learn feathers, so it has been sitting aside waiting for her to learn-for about 2 years now!

  2. I have never used a long arm quilter. I have a quilt that has a lot of open white space that needs to be long arm quilted and it's for my son so nothing to flowery. I would think lots of circles and swirls would look good.
    Thanks for the chance.

  3. If I won I'd choose the feathery one. I know just which top I'd send ya too! Thanks for a chance to win this great gift. I've had a couple of quilts long arm quilted and I love the way they turned out. I'm to cheap to get it done very often though and I've been putting off quilting this top just because I don't want to have to wrestle with it.


  4. I really like the feathery quilting design. Thanks for the opportunity to enter another of your great giveaways!

  5. I am a regular follower. I'd love to win. I just finished a quilt top that needs quilted. I'll wait to see if I win before I get started on it. LOL.

  6. Well, I can't do feathers yet, so that is what I would pick - gee if I win, I better get that quilt finished!

  7. I love the whimsical fish, also the double bubbles...

  8. I will forever and always leave the choosing up to you! I completely trust you!!!

    And I would transfer this if I do beautiful work and others need to find you!

  9. I like the quilter to do thechoosing, but i like the look of zentangles.

  10. Really like feathers...... There are so many ways you can work with them, and it looks good on almost any quilt..

  11. I'll have to decide after I win. There are several flimsies I've been waiting to quilt. Maybe I'd let you have fun with my Ojibwe beadwork inspired quilt.

  12. I would probably let the quilter choose the style of quilting! What a great idea for a giveaway :)

  13. I'm not sure, I would rather the quilter see the quilt and do whats best. New follower here!

  14. The feathers are awesome. Have a quilt almost ready for quilting so would be great to win!

  15. I would choose feathers because I haven't gotten the hang of them at all yet.

  16. i would choose the swirls, my swirls just never seem to look as good.. haha

  17. I'm going to say feathers. I have a quilt top hanging in the closet, awaiting me finding a long arm quilter....

  18. Feathers are my fave! I have plenty of quilt tops just waiting to be quilted, so I hope I win! ;^) Thanks for the generous give away you are offering!

  19. I would love to win this - I have tops awaiting someone's help with. Love the feathers and thank you for this wonderful giveaway. JudyC

  20. Like Hearsease I like the looks of Zentangle quilting, they're all pretty though. I think the quilting pattern would depend on which quilt I sent. :) Thanks also for the info about no reply. You'd mentioned it before, but I didn't know how to change it (I barely know how to blog:)). I think I have it fixed now, we'll see. Love your blog. Nita

  21. I love them all! Double bubbles is way cool!

  22. I love the double bubble pattern. I have several tops that need quilting. If I won it would be hard to pick just one.

  23. I love the swirls--- so pretty! But, if I were to win, I think I'd just let the quilter choose what they think would work best, since they would certainly have more experience than I.... Wow! What an awesome prize!! Thank you so much for the chance to win! :-)

  24. Can't go wrong with feathers! But I've never used long arm services so I would have to listen closely to the advice of the quilter - I'm sure she would have some good suggestions!

  25. I've alsways been a sucker for feathers. The quilting is lovely.

  26. I am already a follower. Gosh if I won, I'm not sure which I'd want as I suppose it would depend on the quilt. I have a Grandchild arriving soon (Feb) and need to make something for her and also I still want to make a lap quilt (extra long for my 6'6" husband). If I made a large baby quilt for her then I think the Whimsical Flower but if it were the one for hubby, I'm going to assume my big guy won't necessarily like those flowers on his. lol In that case, I might choose the Swirls or the Wiggle lines. I really love the feathers you've shown that appear to look like hearts.
    Thank you for the great giveaway.

  27. Wow. I could find a quilt to finish! Thanks for sharing!

  28. I love the feathers. I really need to learn to make them. Thank you for a chance to win.

  29. I love the Feathers. Of course, I'd have to give this to my mother in law as I don't have a finished quilt top at this time and probably can't have one ready by January.

  30. Is zentangle the one that's a combination of different styles, so each block is unique? I love that. That's what I'd pick.

  31. Oh how very generous of you! If I won, I would gift the quilting to my mother who has always wanted to have some quilting done by a pro - and I'm guessing she would pick the feathers or the wiggle lines (like mother, like daughter). :-)
    - sunshdws at yahoo dot com

  32. I love Feathers. And I have several tops needing done. So this would be a wonderful prize to win. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

  33. I like the Swirls. I have a jelly roll race quilt that I would love to have quilted with Swirls. Thanks for a great giveaway! Merry Christmas!

  34. what a great prize, I would choose Feathers, I just love feathers...

  35. Love the swirls and I am a new follower,thanks.

  36. I would love feathers. This is a very generous giveaway. Thanks.

  37. Feathers. That's one I have a hard time with. Very generous giveaway. Thanks

  38. triangle quilting... though all are SO lovely!!

    Thank you for a fabulous giveaway


  39. I love feathering! Although I think it depends on the quilt, but my alltime favourite is feathering. I'm from Spain, but if I won I would be so happy to pay for the shipping.
    terrific giveaway!

  40. The double bubbles are very interesting, I have never seen that one before. I really like the wavy lines though. Please enter me.

  41. Your quilting is beautiful! I would love to win! I have several quilts to choose from that need to be done! Happy quilting!

  42. How generous! Oh it's got to be swirls. I love those swirls. I am a new follower. Thanks, Teresa

  43. I love Double Bubbles so cute.

  44. Hi, I am a follower. Your giveaway is really WOW thank you. Happy Holiday to You and Yours.

  45. I love your quilting, its gorgeous! I am a follower of your lovely blog! The feathers are gorgeous!! I am making a comfort quilt for my sister..your quilting would be such a lovely gift for her quilt...

  46. I love the triangles and whimsical flowers. Thanks for the great offer to win a certificate for you to quilt a top. I am a home economics teacher too (semi retired) and always happy to meet someone who shares my passion for improving the lives of individuals and communities.

  47. My all-time favorite are feathers of all sizes and shapes. I still can't do them as I need more practice. I sure could use your
    expertise on an upcoming quilt for a family member as I want it to be very special. Thanks for the giveaway and have a great holiday.

  48. I think I would choose Triangle quilting - all your works loos so polished! Thanks for the chance to win!

  49. I like the double bubbles. Thanks for the chance.

  50. I love the zentangles or the triangles ... depends which quilt top I decide to have you do *wink*

  51. Definitely Swirls!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    Kelly (at) mysimplewalk (dot) com

  52. I love the feathery one. They are all very nice - but one of the feather one's looks like hearts and I "Heart" Hearts! :)
    I hope you have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! :)
    Thank you for the opportunity to win such a nice giveaway.
    Cathy Byrd

  53. I must be a traditionalist in this area because I love your feathers! I do appreciate your wonderful giveaway of your amzing talent and it would be very helpful indeed.

  54. I'm following you!!!! =) I found you through SMS giveaway and am so glad that I did. Thanks for a chance to win! I would choose swirls....they're so beautiful!

  55. I shared your giveaway over at my blog!

    Thank you again for another chance to win. I know I'm getting in on this late, but I'm happy to have a chance to enter! =)


Thanks for leaving a comment! I really appreciate your input and thoughts. If you don't hear from me for a couple days. don't be surprised. If you don't get a reply from me, you are probably a NO REPLY Commenter -- check your settings please. I want to reply to you. And if you have a Yahoo email I may not get your comment in my email. Sorry. Thanks again for commenting!