
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The May for Me Celebration Starts in Less than One Week!

What is May for Me?
The simple answer is... Finding time for yourself, but not lots of time, just a little bit of time. It is about learning how to enjoy Minutes for Me every day!  It will change your life!
Last year, Tonya and I came up with the idea.  As corny as it sounded, it worked... It changed our lives.  Now if I only get a few minutes of playing time a day, I fully appreciate it.  It makes me happy.  My only wish is that I would have learned how to do that years ago... but I didn't... so now I will enjoy every minute that I get to play!

What is the definition of play? 
The simple answer is doing the things you enjoy. Play for me is enjoying time with my family and friends. Play is creating, sewing, quilting, taking photos of my quilting, food, and plants, and last but not least, blogging - sharing the things I love to do!

Do you want to participate in the May for Me Celebration?
It is one of the simplest things you will ever do and you will love it!
#1  Add your blog link to the May for Me Linky Party.
#2  Grab the May for Me Button and add it to your blog.
#3  In May, post at least one post about what makes you happy. What are the things you enjoy doing? Describe it and show us photos.  After you post about it, link that post up to the Minutes for Me Linky Party.
You will find other blogger's links there too.  Hop over and check out what others are sharing that make them happy.
Remember, May for Me is Rated G for all posts.

During the Month of May all four Host Blogs will post about what we love to do too and how we find time to do what we love.  I call that Minutes for Me! 

Tonya at Hillbilly Handiworks

There will be Giveaways and Prizes the whole month of May. You can play Bingo, if you linked up a Bingo Card by April 22nd.  If you are not playing Bingo it will be fun to watch. And of course, many ideas on how to find time to play!

I bought my plants at the greenhouse today.  It is too cold in Wisconsin to plant them outside. We will enjoy them on our kitchen table for a few weeks! I enjoyed a few "Minutes for Me" taking close up photos of the strawberry blossoms and all of the plants.
Enjoying the new plants was the highlight of my day.  It was not a good day, as I had to pay for a new tire, because I ran over something on Monday, on my way to the dentist. It was a 45 minute trip each way to go back and forth to pick up my car with the new tire. So, I took a few minutes to enjoy the plants by taking some cool photos. Love the tomato blossom.
It really made me smile and I needed that. Then I shared it with you... I hope it makes you smile too. If you want to see all the photos hop over to my Lunch Looks Like a Quilt Blog.

After you hop over, come back and link up your blog and grab the button and join the May for Me Celebration!
Take time to play for just a few minutes a day.
It will change your life! It did mine!


  1. We must have been writing our blog post's at the same time! I will take some photos of my 'new' me time tomorrow - secret.

  2. Can't wait for May for me I will be posting!! I am also waiting to plant as soon as these cold spells go away!! I missed the bingo sign up guess I will see all the fun!


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