
Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Last Day of May and the May for Me Celebration

What did you do in May?

I had a May for Me list of my goals –  the things I wanted to do.
I did quite a bit and more. 
Some things I did not get done. 

 I went back and looked at all of my May for Me posts here and the first Post on the Eve of May for Me.

Here's a recap!

#1 Dance to a song every day.... Well I did dance most of the weekdays, being I work at home alone and no one sees me dancing! I did not dance the last few days of May – I listened to music and sang along to the songs, but no real dancing. As I drove back from Mary Jo's funeral yesterday, I sang along to the 70's songs. Many were our favorites when we were in high school. I had a two hour drive and I was following my husband, so I was all alone and sang my heart out! After unpacking and getting the wash started I sat down last night and listened to Sissy's Song again and added the link to my post – earlier post. I am not a country music fan, as they always make me cry. I like Carly Simon and Carol King songs the best and similar artists. Today's song should be repeat of Celebration, but I think I will share my favorite song sung by Mama Cass – “MakeYour Own Kind of Music”. I think it fits me best. I do like to do things my way. Maybe I should share the song “MyWay”. If you have never taken the time to listen to Landslide – this a good one about life changes. It is favorite also.
I like to create quilts with a unque' twist. I like to quilt different than others. I like to share posts any way I want to and recently I decided you are going to get a few more personal thoughts in my shares... not just ---- I did this and that and used these colors... but more why I did it and what I was thinking about that made me do it that way. I like to have several projects going at a time... so I jump from project to project. I know I have ADHD – but I think it is what makes me – me! So that is a very positive thing for me! I have tons of photos of projects, I have been quilting and sewing that I haven't had time to share yet... but I will share them.

#2  I “thread painted” my Tiptoe quilt and the first part of the binding is stitched. I need to do the embroidery stitching yet. It will get done soon.

#3 Sew something Simple – never did this but I will do it, this summer.

#4 Practice quilting some new design with blue thread... did some doodling on paper with a blue pen … not on my quilting machine.

#5 Sip coffee slowly and just breathe... been doing lots of that – every morning. Today, I had a second cup of coffee while chatting with my daughter on skype. Really enjoy our visits. I am glad I started taking time in the morning to just relax, before I start my day! My daughter and I have a lot to talk about as she is getting married this summer. We are so happy for them!  I will share more about this in June.

#6 Polish my toe nails – I did switch them to blue and now back to a soft peach and plan to switch it again tonight to another peachy pink. Mostly this has been about taking a few minutes for me and not feeling guilty about taking time for me.  They look nice and I am worth it. Try it you'll like it!

#7 Buy Chocolate Milk --- I never bought Chocolate Milk – I forgot about it! Maybe today!

#8 Add fruit to my water and drink more water. I did that a lot! This was also a good thing to have on my list and was easy to do everyday for me!

#9 Get an old recipe from my Mom and make it. I did make the Cherry Coke Jello and I actually ended up making it when my Mom was visiting. That was fun. Here is that Post.

#10 Make more fabric greeting cards. I did not make more of these as when my Mom came to visit we got carried away making mug rugs! We started some in April and more in May.  We also made some place mats which I will share soon too.

#11 Call an old friend. Yes -- I did call a few friends and unexpectedly saw and visited with many old friends at Mary Jo's funeral yesterday.

#11 (which should have been labeled #12) was to replant my plants outside. I did that.

and here... can't wait til it is green and full with veggies! 

#12 Spend more quality time with my husband and family.
This was easy to do as it was really important to me.

#13 Dreaming about quilts! This was easy to do. I dream up ideas for quilts all the time. Taking time to create them and write it all up is where I have a problem. Time?

I had fun making the green and blue scrappy mug rugs!

In addition to the items I listed I was able to do a few more... 

#14 I came up with the Fabric Garage Sale idea and that is next week. Here is the post about the Sale and Linky Party. This week was cut short by funerals and me not being home to take photos of fabric – but I am going to get it done! More photos to take this afternoon and this evening. Tomorrow I have another funeral. The sale must go on!

#15 I shared more about the Zig Zag Quilt Challenge and made a few more zig zag blocks for more quilts. Link in the sidebar takes you to the Challenge Information.

#16 I hosted a Fabric Giveaway every week in May! I had a blast laying out the charm squares and creating color combinations and pattern layouts. All sorts of ideas are still spinning around in my head! It kept me busy mailing out packages too!

#17 BINGO was a blast with all of the participants! We (mostly Tonya), were overwhelmed by so many Bingo Players! I hope we get a Blackout today! Thanks for participating and Good luck!

I am very thankful for the May for Me Hosts as it was a comfort to Tonya and I as we struggled with just the two of us last year.

And Thanks to all  you - the May for Me participants!

And last, but not least, there were happy times and sad times in the month of May this year.
Most of May was much better than last year. My Mom was in the hospital and very ill. I was going back and forth from there, trying to quilt in between, when I would return home. It was a long summer and fall for my Mom, but she is doing much better now. I am thankful for all the thoughts and prayers that were sent our way.

Making goals to take time for myself was a good thing and I am a better person, because I did it. I took time to play. I took time to take good care of myself – dancing, more water, and self care. I took time to be with family and friends. All in all I really enjoyed the May for Me Celebration.

Last year, I said, 
“Don't be sad that it is over...
be glad you did it!”

Take time to enjoy each and every day!


  1. This was a great post! So much done, so much that still can be done. Go buy that milk!

  2. It is so good to look back at your achievements, do get to that milk. I was chatting with my family while in Wales last week, and we talked about changing tastes. I remembered loving chocolate milk years ago, two days later my daughter bought me a carton. It was delicious and will be an occasional treat from now on.
    I am a new follower and love your blog.

  3. You certainly accomplished a lot in May! I've enjoyed your posts and your ideas. Thank you for your blog and for reaching out to all of us. Enjoy that chocolate milk!!

  4. Thank you for all that you did to make May For Me special for all of us. You have had a month FULL. Maybe you can find some down time in June. A little breather : )

  5. so much done.. it has been fun getting to know you in May... best wishes for a full recovery for your mum...

  6. What a wonderful post! It made me smile all the way through. Your little quilts are all adorable, and you certainly made me think of making each and every day special!

  7. You are an inspiration! Thank you for all your work in keeping us entertained this month! I enjoyed the BINGO game....look forward to next year's surprise!


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