
Monday, May 21, 2012

Quilting Question of the Week

Sharon from Vroomans' Quilts proposed a question of the week for the May for Me Hosts.  
"If you could,  as a May For Me treat to yourself, have any one designer or teacher come to your home for a personal 'one-on-one' class - Who would it be and why?"

I would choose Terry White.  I had the privilege several years ago to be able to take a class on Thread Painting from her at a Sewing Expo in Southwestern Wisconsin.  She taught how to thread paint on your regular sewing machine.  I learned on the regular machine, but it is quite different than quilting on a long arm machine.  On the long arm quilting machine, I move the machine like a pencil to quilt and on the regular machine you more the fabric to quilt. Now I thread paint exclusively on my long arm machine.
I would choose Terry, because I love her creative embroidery thread painting.  I would like to expand my knowledge of stitches to be able to create with a variety of free style embroidery stitches.  I love all the textures in her designs.

This is the piece I stitched in the all day class.  This is an original design by Terry White. But I stitched things a little different than it was suppose to be. I'll explain why.
Here's an up close photo of the piece.
I struggled with keeping the stitches even.  That is why I love thread painting on my long arm with the regulated stitches.  Everything comes out even. The leafy things were suppose to be quite different, but I couldn't get the hang of moving my fabric under the regular sewing machine, so I changed them to pine needles and did straight stitches.
I am very thankful that I was able to take Terry's class and I continue to enjoy the skill she shared with me.  I love thread painting.
This was the second piece, I tried to stitch on my regular machine.  I never finished it and I never will.
It was my own design based on a photo from a friend. On the left side you can see my pencil lines where I was to stitch next.  I will keep both of these thread painted pieces as a memento of my first attempts at thread painting.
This was one of the next quilts, I thread painted on my long arm machine. I love the scaly details of the fish.
Recently, I finished another Ball Jar Flower quilt. This pattern and the fish are from Patch Abilities.  Julie has some wonderful little wall hangings that I love to make and thread paint.
I love adding the little details to the flowers and leaves.

 I flipped this one over so you can see the stitches are even when I quilt in the long arm machine, because it has a stitch regulator.

 My First Bloom Quilt is my own design, based on a photo of the first bloom of the summer, last year.
Click here for the link to that post - shows how I created it.  I added my variation in detailed stitches in the flower and with the wood grain. I used several colors of greens and blues in the leaves.
Last week, I shared my Connectivity Quilt.
I thread painted on the wires and I quilted tiny circles in the background. Click here for that post. I shared links on that post to several of my thread painted quilts.  My post about my Garden Inspiring my Thread Painting shares many thread painted quilts. I designed Blooming Beans too.
I recently quilted another fall table topper quilt.

Well, actually two fall pumpkin table topper quilts!
The two quilts were made by one of my customers, using these two patterns and combining the ideas from both.  I quilted (Thread Painted) both of them - one is hers and one is mine!

My Imaginary Barn Quilt shares more detailed thread painting with lots of variation of items to stitch. This is my original design and I created it for Project Quilting.

I still have much more to learn about thread painting. I am really enjoy stitching all the details.  I feel like I am a kid again... coloring with my quilting machine!

Thanks Terry for inspiring me to thread paint! Hop over and check out her website  Tell her Marcia sent you!

Hop over and check out the posts about the teachers the May for Me Blog Hosts would choose to invite into their homes for their May for Me Wish of the week!
Tonya at Hillbilly Handiwork

Snoodles at Lily Pad Quilting

Enjoy your day! Enjoy everyday in May!
If you are looking for today's Bingo Items - keep scrolling or click on the link in the side bar - takes you to all the Bingo Item posts.
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  1. This explains something I have struggled with - it's that stitch regulator that makes the difference. That and moving the fabric vs. moving the needle. I can clearly see why my attempts at thread painting have fallen short in my eyes and from now on I will be less critical of myself. They're not bad just different!

  2. Wow! I guess that is why I am not good at it either. I cannot get mine to move around even simple designs. It just frustrates me so much. I guess the stitch regulator makes a huge difference! Why can't we get those for our home machines?? Ok, I'll just dream for a small itty bitty longarm with a stitch regulator!

  3. Great post Marcia! I need to expand my horizons with thread painting on my machine - do mostly by hand.

  4. Beautiful work Maria! I always enjoy seeing your thread painting and quilting!

  5. Wonderful post! I love the ball jar flower one the best, but they are all gorgeous! Thanks for sharing all the lovely pictures!

  6. That ball jar quilt is just stunning, wonderful work...thanks for sharing!

  7. You do such beautiful work, Marcia! I don't have a long arm but thread painting will be the first thing I try if I ever get one!

  8. I love the thread painting its so beautiful!!

  9. thread painting is so neat but you are right about the stitch regulator. I so wish I had one on my sewing machine. My next one will definitely have that.
    You quilts are just so great. thanks for sharing them.

  10. You know, until I saw your work, I never realized what you can do with thread and quilting. I was amazed and delighted to see your thread painting. If there was one thing I would wish for myself relating to sewing, it would be that I could do what you do. Maybe someday... Thanks for sharing all your work. It inspires the rest of us.

  11. Your thread painting is so beautiful! I love them all, but the fish is really cool : )

  12. Lovely examples of thread painting. It's a skill that I would like to improve on but haven't made the time for it yet.

  13. Love the thread painting. I want to try it on my HQ16. I took a class where they demo'd it. It is like everything else - TIME.

    Your work is amazing.

  14. Hi Marcia!
    I just bought my mid-arm yesterday and will be trying thread painting later next week. I've done this a lot on my domestic, so this will be an interesting change.
    I was wondering.. what is your favorite thread to use on the long arm for thread painting?


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