
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Show and Tell Saturday --- Sharing My Barn Quilt

I shared my Barn Quilt at the Quilting Gallery Show and Tell this weekend for the Up Close Quilting.

I created my Barn Quilt for a Project Quilting Challenge in 2012.  I used the raw edge applique' method for the pieces and then thread painted the whole quilt with lots of textures and details.

I was inspired by four photos of barns and windmills.

I posted construction process of how I created it. Click Here.  I share how I draw the lines so I know where to stitch -Thread Paint.

It's not a pattern, but I show you how I created and cut every piece for the quilt.  You can do it too!

And Click Here to see the photos "up close" of my completed barn quilt.

Click Here to see all the quilts at the Quilting Gallery's Show and Tell. 

When you hop over to see all the quilts you are asked to vote on your favorites.

Enjoy your day!

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