Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Minutes for Me - Linky Party #11 Once a Month Party!

February 1st (Jan. 31st) to February 29th

Who shared at Last month's Party:

Thanks for sharing - a party isn't a party without participants! Hop over and check out their blogs after you link up something fun you want to share here today.  Come back and share another link later in the month. We all love to see what you are sharing on your blogs. Party runs from Feb. 1st to Feb. 29th.
 Follow the Guidelines for sharing at the Minutes for Me Linky Party:
1. The URL is for your specific post.
2. Add your backlink before linking up your post. 
3. Be a follower of this blog, so you can link up every week.
4. Visit others who share. 
5. Please - No advertising or etsy links.
6. Share an Old post or a New post. Add a back link in the post.
7. Link up several posts a month - come back as often as you wish! If you are having fun and you want to share it - share it here!
8. Monthly Party starts at Noon on the 1st day of the month and ends Noon on the last day of the month.
More information about Minutes for Me - click here.

This is my "Minutes for Me Button". 
It is sized to 150X150 pixels for your sidebar or a page of your blog or for in a post. 
On Blogger Blogs: Right Click and save the photo first. Add it under Gadgets, as a Picture, with this link  http://marciascraftysewing.blogspot.com/

Are you ready to link up a post or two or three?
Thanks for sharing!
Also, check out the NEW Sharing Page! If you learned something here - share it on the Sharing Page too. Thanks!
Also, check out the NEW Linky Party Page - where I share everyday.

This linky list is now closed.

Hodgepodge Patchwork Tuesday -- My Interview from Project Quilting - 2012

This was my interview at Kim's Crafty Apple for Project Quilting.

What's your crafting style?
Free Style Quilting and Sewing

How did you get started creating?
My Mom was my inspiration as she is a very crafty person. We were always making something from sand candles to fake fur happy faces. Remember the crackled grapes? How about the loop loom pot holders?
But my Mom didn't sew. I took a sewing class in 7th grade and I was hooked on sewing. My best friend and I made cute little smock tops. This was my first sewing project! I still have it and it hangs in my shop to remind me of where my love of sewing started.
I took Home Economics classes all through Junior High and High School.  I loved it! I went to college at UW-Stevens Point and graduated with a teaching degree in Home Economics Education – now it is called Family and Consumer Education. Subbed for awhile after graduating, raised a family, had several different jobs, and then taught Family and Consumer Education at the Middle School level for several years. In 2002, we moved and it was time for another career change. I bought a Gammill regulated stitch quilting machine in 2003 and started my quilting business. I started it part time and in less than a year, I was quilting full time - 5 days week. It just snowballed, with one customer telling another customer. Word of mouth still seems to be the best advertising. I am so blessed to have a job I love!
My Favorite piece?
Today, my favorite quilted project is Imaginary Blooms. 
Before I finished that quilt, my favorite was my First Morning Glory Bloom. It's not necessarily the final project that I like, but how I feel when I am creating the project. It's the story behind the projects, that make them special.
What's your favorite crafty blog to follow/read?
I follow and read several blogs, but my favorite is:
Tonya shares beautiful projects and the stories of her life. She does “quilt a longs”,“learn a longs”, and recently is sharing her wonderful Hexagon Blocks.
Because I work alone, I love the connections I have made through blogging. 

Favorite part of creating a quilt?
The construction of the quilt --- the piecing and the quilting --- Sometimes I don't want that to end! Love the process!
Least favorite part? 
I Love the whole process!

Beverage of Choice?
Iced water with one blackberry
Sweet or Salty?
Both Sweet AND Salty -
blackberries, mandarin oranges, AND eggs with fried rice I shared this recipe on my Food Blog - "Lunch Looks Like a Quilt to Me".
Number 1 on your Bucket List?
To just keep doing, what I am doing ... creating, quilting, and sharing everyday. 
Kim listed all the links to all the places I share:

Picasa:   CraftySewing Picasa Photo Gallery

Hop over and check out Project Quilting at Kim's Crafty Apple!

Have a "creative" day!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Getting Up Close with My Quilting - Extra Large Swirly Gig Quilting

First, a little explanation about my quilting, (It's my job):  Once a week, I share here, an "Up Close View" of my free style quilting.  I quilt on a Gammill Plus long arm quilting machine with regulated stitch.  I quilt all free style designs, which means I manually move the quilting machine across the quilt to create the designs.  It is not computer generated and I don't use templates or panto graphs. I doodle or sketch a design for the customer's quilt on a piece of paper. Then I envision it in my mind and start stitching.  I make it sound simple, but it is far from simple.  I have been quilting customer's quilts since 2003 and every day is a joy and a new adventure in creating a "cool design" on customer's quilts. Yes - I repeat designs, but because they are free style, they don't always look exactly the same.
This quilt is a great example of a free style design using the extra large "swirly gigs". I have made the swirly gigs in many different sizes and styles over the years. 
The swirly gigs flow across the quilt, intertwining within each other to smoothly fill the space. I have to concentrate very carefully as I move in and out of the spaces, so that is never looks like a uniformed pattern, without repeating the exact motion, but keeping it consistently even throughout the quilt.  That's what makes it beautifully unique'.

 The backing fabric on this quilt is the fuzzy minky fabric.  It is wonderfully soft and smooth...

I share, because I love what I do every day.  I am very blessed and very lucky to have such a wonderful job.
Again, I make it sound easy, but there is a lot of work, time, and energy involved in owning and running your own business. The best part about my days are that they are never boring. I create, I quilt, and I photograph each day to share my quilting life with the world.
When my kids were little my husband told them something like this: "Find something you love to do, do what you love, and make it your job. You will never feel like you are working - if you love it!" 
We are both so blessed to love what we do!
Thanks for following along in my life...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Keep on Dreaming Quilt - Project Quilting

I always use a white quilt or a sheet as the back drop for my photos. Today, I decided to throw it out in the snow!
I took several photos as the sun was just right.
The snow was just right too.  It was pretty cold today and there was a nice crust of snow, so it wouldn't sink into the snow.
But then the wind caught it...

It rolled over and over until it was face down.

I stitched some words from the lyrics - Keep on Dreaming in the white squares.

So that's my Keep On Dreaming Quilt - Inspired by Project Quilting.
Hope you are having a great weekend!
Click Here for all three posts about this quilt - starts with this post and then scroll down for the other two posts. The song Keep On Dreaming is on the first post. My brother, Mark wrote the song.

Liked with: Links here and All the Buttons with links are on My Linky Parties - Where I Share Page  also.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Work in Progress - Keep On Dreaming Quilt

 I pressed Heat 'N Bond Lite to the wrong side of the fabric.  I sketched some hearts on the paper side of the dark pink fabric and stars on the yellow.
 Cut them out.
 I drew a little sketch of the way I want to press them onto the background fabric.
 Peeled the paper off the back of the fabric.
 I was planning to place the stars exactly in the center of the hearts, but as I placed them on the hearts they looked so cool off center. I like it!
 Pressed them in place.

 Next I picked the thread colors. 
I chose the dark grey thread for stitching on the black fabric. I like it better than black on black. You will see why, when I post the completed project on Sunday.
 Long wavy stitching lines on the center blue area.
 I wiggle line stitched on the hearts

and stitched swirls in the background of the star fabric.
I couldn't finish it all tonight.  I will finish the stars and the black and white parts tomorrow morning and then bind it. My "Keep On Dreaming" quilt is based on a musical inspiration for the Project Quilting Challenge Number Two.  Keep On Dreaming is my brother's song and I posted the song on Tuesday. 
I quilted on my project quilting at the end of my quilting day, today.  It's the end of my work week, so I quilted longer than a few minutes... actually, I quilted a couple hours and will quilt more tomorrow.  So my Minutes for Me - while it was wonderful to play on my quilting machine, it delayed our Friday night dinner. I had nothing ready when my husband got home.  But I made dinner in about 5 minutes! We had meatloaf, leftover potatoes, and a salad.  We had my frozen meatloaf squares.  When I make a big meal, I freeze some of it for just such an occasion.  
My frozen Meatloaf Squares saved the day! 
Thank goodness!
Enjoy your day!

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