In my home, I have several potted plants. Recently I have been given some beautiful blooming plants.
Today I am sharing this beautiful African Violet. A friend gave this violet to me in July. She had just separated a large plant and put them into individual pots. There were no blossoms and she didn't know what variety it was.
This photo was taken the end of September. It was just starting to bloom. I was so happy.
Look at it now! It is still blooming and getting fuller with more blooms appearing every day!
I could have cropped out the Aloe plant, but I will be sharing about it soon, as I am taking photos of a bloom on the Aloe.
Here's a cute little violet bud!
You can see the soft texture of the leaves.
Tons of buds --- yet to bloom!
When my camera is set on Macro, it is amazing what you can see! I think there might be some dust on this leaf.
I moved my plant to the table to take some photos for my December Tablescapes. It is for my Lunch Looks Like a Quilt to Me Blog, where I shared photos of A Denim Blue Tablescape.
I love it in the center of the table.
This is a close up of the place mats that I made using the scraps from my Blue Denim Quilt.
Love the delicate yellow centers of the bloom.

I have a strong feeling that the African Violets will inspire a quilt! I wish there was more time in the day!
I am taking daily photos of my Christmas Cactus, as it starts to bloom. I will share it next week. Here's a sneak peek of the first bloom.
May you be inspired by the world around you too!
Enjoy your day!
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Lunch Looks Like A Quilt to Me: A Denim Blue Tablescape - Dec. 6, 2011
I am pretty sure that your world inspires me!
Fiołek Ci pięknie zakwitł. Lubię te kwiatki i mam też w domu. Zdjęcia makro są ciekawe, bo widać na nich nawet to, czego oko nie zobaczy. Pozdrawiam
Very pretty i have 70 odd AV's i have imported to the UK and i love them most are in flower now.
Beautiful! I wish I had a green thumb... it's sorta just brown from digging in the dirt. lol
An African violet was my first potted plant ever. I had forgotten all about it till reading your blog. Maybe I should get another... Yours are so beautiful. Also your quilted place settings are amazing! If you can do all that with scraps I can't imagine what your big quilts look like :) I would love it if you had time to stop by my blog and follow along
Thanks for sharing :)
Well I'm completely jealous. Not only can you produce pretty quilts, you can grow flowers! I've tried several times to encourage plants to grow in our home...they always give up and wither away. Thanks for sharing your pretty plants today. Happy FTF! ☺
Wonderful photography! It takes me back to my childhood memories of my mom's African violets
Lovely. Thank you for not cropping out the aloes. I like seeing plants in their 'habitat' that shows how they are displayed and grow.
African violets are my Mum;s favourite flowers so they hold a special place in my heart.
Your photographs are amazing (as usual!)
Your violet is just beautiful! What a vivid shade.
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