Thursday, February 28, 2013

Minutes for Me Linky Party #32

What did you this week, that was just for fun?

Minutes for YOU!

Are you finding time to take a few minutes for yourself?


Time to share!  Join in the fun!

There will be a party open all the time and every week a new one!  Each party will over lap, so every time you hop over to share a link to something you have created, there will be a party to share it at.  

Don't forget the backlink to my blog --- Important do the Backlink FIRST!
and/or the Minutes for Me Button with the back link to my blog. Thanks!

So others can find this and share too!

You may share 2 to 3 posts a week!  
If you have made it, created it, cooked it, drew it, painted it, quilted it, sewed it, or even grown it - you can share it!

If you are NEW to Linky Parties and you need my help -- Email me directly with any questions.

If you have a problem and something doesn't up load right -- Email and I will help you fix it!  Sometimes I can't help with the photo, but please ask me if you need help.

Take time to share...

This linky list is now closed.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hodgepodge Patchwork Tuesday - The Leaf Block

Today Kim at Persimon Dreams shared the next block for the My Favorite Block Quilt Along

It's a Leaf Block.  

I read the instructions early this morning, I gathered some strips and laid them out by my sewing machine, so when I took a break from work, I could sew a few together. Well actually a stitched a few together right away.

When I took my lunch break a stitched a few more together and ended up with two strip sets. I was planning to make both a 12 1/2 inch block and a 6 1/2 inch block, but I ended up only making a 6 1/2 inch block.

I followed the instructions for the Leaf Block provided by Little Birdie Quilting Studio.  Her instructions have lots of photos and are easy to understand.
Thank you to Little Birdie Quilting Studio for sharing!

I am really enjoying learning a couple new blocks every other week.  It is the off week of Project Quilting.

The instructions say to hand stitch, but I decided to machine stitch mine with a tiny stretch stitch.

Here is an up close photo, so you can see how it looks.

My Leaf Block is completed.

 I'll save the strip sets to make another Leaf Block later. I will 3 hole punch the instructions and put them into my binder.

On Thursday, Kim will share another quilt block.  I looked at the list  and it is a Wonky Star Block.

You can see all the blocks that have been constructed so far, on the Flicker Group for the My Favorite Block Quilt Along.  Still time to catch up if you want to join in the fun!

When I share my next block, (after Thursday) I will take another photo of all the blocks together.  

Remember to take time to play!

Sharing at my Minutes for Me Linky Party

My Favorite Block Quilt Along

Sunday, February 24, 2013

"Grandma's Star is Born"

I officially named my star quilt "Grandma's Star is Born"!

Thanks for all your suggestions!  The next Project Quilting Challenge starts next Sunday. I will post earlier than Saturday night, if I need help again!  I really appreciate the input! 

Kim posts all week about all the beautiful star quilts that were created in only one week for the challenge.  Hop over this week and check it out.

Great Grandma really liked "Grandma's Star is Born" the best!  So at five minutes to twelve, I changed the name on the flicker group to "Grandma's Star is Born". Hop over and check out all the beautiful star quilts!

You can Google Warm Wishes and get lots of ideas for making a similar quilt.   It is like a rail fence block, but the center strip is wider, thus making the two outer strips form a border around the star block or the focus fabric. You could just make a square block in place of the star block.

I choose this pattern, because this is a quilt pattern my daughter and I, together made a quilt for a friend's baby several years ago.  It has fond memories for me.

Thanks again!
Click for all the posts about this quilt. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Quilting, Binding, and I Need a Name for My Star Quilt - Help!

I combine the Friendship Star Block and the Warm Wishes Pattern to create my Baby Star Quilt.  My Mom picked out the colors, as this will be the baby quilt from my Mom for the new baby to be.  As you know, I am going to be a Grandma and my Mom is going to be a Great Grandma!  We are so happy!

I quilted (stitched) our names in the border.

It says:  Made with Love by...

Great Grandma Joanne...

and Grandma Marcia

I stitched a wiggle line with stars in the border.

I chose the blue checked fabric for the binding and stitched on the binding with an all machine embroidery stitching binding.

I quilted a wiggle line X in the center of the star with a swirl in the points of the star.

Around the stars, I quilted with a small meandering and stars.

I quilted in a couple hearts in the corner.

I need help with a name.
For Project Quilting  your quilt needs to have a name.  I need the name by NOON CST on Sunday --- So if you read this before then, please help me.  I am going to post my photos on the flicker site with a temp name of "Baby Stars".

Any ideas for names?

I first thought about "A Star is Born".

Next, I thought maybe "Warm Stars" was a good name?

I really liked "Baby Stars"?  

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for your help with a name.  

Sometimes, I think naming the quilt is the hardest part for me!

"A Star is Born" or "Warm Stars" or "Baby Stars" or do you have an idea for a name... leave a comment if you do!


I am Ready to Quilt my Star Quilt

for Project Quilting - Challenge Number 4 - Wish Upon a Star.

I combined the Friendship Star Block with the Warm Wishes Quilt pattern.  I felt it was a perfect combination for a Star Quilt.

At first, I made all the stars with only 2 fabric colors and then I mixed up a few fabrics. 

I chose a soft yellow flannel fabric for the backing fabric.

I chose Hobb's 80/20 cotton/poly batting.

It is ready to quilt!

Next post -- quilting and binding.
Enjoy your day!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Minutes for Me Linky Party # 31

What did you this week, that was just for fun?

Minutes for YOU!

Are you finding time to take a few minutes for yourself?


Time to share!  Join in the fun!

There will be a party open all the time and every week a new one!  Each party will over lap, so every time you hop over to share a link to something you have created, there will be a party to share it at.  

Don't forget the backlink to my blog --- Important do the Backlink FIRST!
and/or the Minutes for Me Button with the back link to my blog. Thanks!

So others can find this and share too!

You may share 2 to 3 posts a week!  
If you have made it, created it, cooked it, drew it, painted it, quilted it, sewed it, or even grown it - you can share it!

If you are NEW to Linky Parties and you need my help -- Email me directly with any questions.

If you have a problem and something doesn't up load right -- Email and I will help you fix it!  Sometimes I can't help with the photo, but please ask me if you need help.

Take time to share...

This linky list is now closed.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hodgepodge Patchwork Tuesday - "Leafing Out"

The last Project Quilting Challenge I created an all green table runner.  I named it "Leafing Out", partially because it was green and partially because you start with strips. Then you stitch them together and cut them. Then stitch again and the fabric spreads out throughout the quilt top.

At the quilt retreat last weekend, I asked three of my friends to bring five or six or more fabrics to make the table runner.  I wanted to take photos and see the table runner made in different colors.

Deb started with some leftover scraps from a quilt and will make her quilt top into a quilted pillow sham.

Linda brought six fat quarters.  She said she will make hers into a table topper.

Candy started with fat quarters too and she made hers into a long table runner.

Deb's finished quilt top.

Linda's finished quilt top.

Candy's finished quilt top.

Candy's, Deb's, and Linda's and mine are on the bottom.

Here is the link to "Leafing Out" if you would like to make one too! Fun and easy and a great way to use up scraps!
