Saturday, December 31, 2011

Most Viewed and My Favorite Posts From 2011

A Blue Quilt for Christmas was the all time most viewed popular post for 2011.  I took a pair of blue plaid shorts and several denim shirts and "up cycled" them into a quilt.
I shared all the steps on making this quilt from shorts to finished quilt.  I also shared a tutorial at Sew We Quilt on Nov. 11th on how to construct this simple free form block that I named the Denim Block. Click here for the Scrappy Quilt Challenge that uses the Denim Block.  Join in the fun!

Imaginary Blooms was the second most viewed post this past year.  My friend designed the quilt pattern for the big panel flower blocks. I made my quilt using dyed fabrics and decided I was going to create my own flowers for the blocks.
I chose to offset the flowers on the quilt instead of placing them in each block.  I loved making the blooms!

The third most viewed post was my First Bloom Quilt that was inspired by my First Morning Glory Bloom of the summer!

Next, was the Table Topper Quilt and Hot Pads that I created using a beaded denim shirt.  I called it my Vacation Project, because we vacationed for a full week at our camper on the Mississippi River.  
We have been camping at the same campground for 20 years, this summer.  We enjoy our weekends at our camper, but this was so nice to take a whole week and relax.  I sew and my husband fishes. 
This is the denim beaded shirt I upcycled into the quilt.
I was so pleased with the finished quilted table topper and hot pads.
I used the table topper as part of my November Tablescape.
I had fun taking photos of my herbs and vegetables from my container garden. 

Last year, was the first year of May for Me Celebration - It was a month long celebration of learning how to take a few minutes for you.  You can be a happier person, if you play a few minutes a day!  This year, I am teaming up with Tonya from Hillbillly Handiworks, Sharon from Vrooman's Quilts, and Snoodles from Lily Pad Quilting.  It will be a month long celebration of fun!  More information about the 2nd annual May for Me Celebration in February 2012.
One of my favorite quilt projects from 2011 was my Tiny Treasures Quilt. I created this quilt for an Off Season Challenge for Project Quilting. I overall free style quilted my name in a wavy pattern through out the whole quilt. 
After I got a new camera for my birthday in November, I enjoyed taking macro shots of flowers too!  Thus, started the posts called:  A Quilter with a Green Thumb. Of course, photos of my blooms and flowers have inspired my quilting.
On Oct. 3rd, I posted photos of my gardening and thread painting projects and how it inspires me to thread paint with my quilting machine. Quilting the Colors and Textures of My Garden.
Almost every Monday, I post about Getting Up Close with My Quilting. These posts started in April from a request to see the stitching on customer's quilts up close. I share photos of my free style quilting designs.  I create the patterns while manually moving my quilting machine to stitch unique designs. No computers, no panto graphs, and no templates - all are free motion designs. You can click on the buttons in the sidebar of this blog to see several different free style designs. 

Most recently, I have started the Minutes for Me Linky Parties where everyone can share their craft. What makes you happy?  Take a few minutes for you - to play everyday and share it at the party!  I would like to invite you to share.
Another favorite quilt project was my Think Outside the Block Quilt.  If you have ever had a quilt that you started and then got it out to finish it and then the blocks didn't match up --- I have a solution. You can Think Outside the Block!
My Wordless Wednesday posts have featured my dog, Gabby and my Mom's dog, Toby with my quilts. I titled this post Toby Loves Gabby.
The photos with the dogs really started last January when I was taking photos of my quilts for Project Quilting and Gabby wanted to be in every photo.
Then she would check to see what was in the bag.
My post about my Floating Lilies included a few shots of the dogs. When I got out the camera, there they were poising for me!
This fall, they helped test the warmth of my Blue Denim Christmas Quilt with the washable wool batting. I am so lucky to have these two to help me out!
As this year ends and we start a new one... Especially if you are a quilter, may your days be filled with the warmth of quilts... knowing the comfort and love you bring to others through your quilting.
I have much to be thankful for, as we have had a year of health struggles with my Mom.  We are blessed to have her with us, as we end this year and celebrate a new beginning to a happier and healthier year in 2012.
Happy New Year!
Note: I included all the links in Color under each photo so you can see that post.  Feel free to go back and click on each one to see more photos and read about that quilt. 
Linked with:
Confessions of a Fabric Addict: Time to Show Your Best - Dec. 30, 2011
Sew Many Ways: Sew Darn Crafty Party - Jan. 1, 2012
Marcia's Crafty Sewing & Quilting: Minutes for Me - Dec. 28, 2011
Sew Happy Geek: Manic Monday Linky Party - Jan. 2, 2012

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Minutes for Me - Linky Party #8 and A Feature

Happy Holidays to everyone! 
Are you taking any "Minutes for You"?  5 minutes, 10 minutes, or even just a few minutes? Are you finding a few minutes to play and create?
 This week, I am spending some time with my Mom.  We are working on our donation quilt. We are going to make it with primarily green fabrics. Took some photos of my Mom with Toby and Gabby for Wordless Wednesday.

Last year, we made a courthouse round quilt in mostly blue fabrics with some greens. This year we are making another courthouse round quilt, but all in greens. 
Toby even offered to help!
My Minutes for Me time is when I take time to play and create! 
 Thanks to all who linked up their posts last week!
A Feature from last week's Party #7
The most viewed post last week was Sharon from Vrooman's Quilts.  Sharon shared a post about taking time with her grandson to add little additions to her Bakery Block on her Christmas Quilt.
Thanks again Sharon for sharing.  Hop over and check out Sharon's Blog.
Sharon has already added the "Featured at" Button to her blog sidebar. Thanks Sharon!
Follow the simple Guidelines for sharing at the Minutes for Me Linky Party:
1. Link your post URL and not your whole blog.  The URL is for your specific post.
2. Please display a visible back link or my button in your post to this party or it will be deleted.  Back links will be required in order to link up.  Add it first before linking up. So grab my link first and add it to your post, then link up.
3. Be a follower of this blog, so you can link up every week.
4. Take a moment and visit some of the other participants. 
5. Please - No advertising or etsy links.
6. You can share an old post or a New post. Make sure you have a back link in the post.
7. Party starts on Wednesday  at Noon and ends at Noon on Monday-Central Time. On Wednesday, I will share a couple featured "Minutes for Me" posts. 
8. You may link up 2 posts a week, per blog.

More information about Minutes for Me - click here.

This is my "Minutes for Me Button". 
It is sized to 150X150 pixels for your sidebar or for in a post. 
On Blogger Blogs: Right Click and save the photo first. Add it under Gadgets, as a Picture, with this link

Thanks for sharing here on my blog!

This linky list is now closed.

Wordless Wednesday - We LOVE Grandma!

Linked with:
Blog Paws - Wordless Wednesday - Dec. 28, 2011 - Dec. 28, 2011

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Hodgepodge Patchwork Tuesday - Scrappy Quilt Challenge Update

The Scrap Quilt Challenge is simple:

  • Make a quilt top using the free form denim block as your pattern as explained in last week's post
  • Take photos of the process from scraps to a finished quilt top (or finished quilt, if you are a quilter and you aren't entering the FREE Quilting Giveaway).
  • Post about it anytime between now and Jan. 17th - Including a back link to my blog.
  • Link up your post on Jan. 17th to the 23rd.
  • What size?  Place mat or mats, Table Runner, Doll Quilt, Small Lap Quilt, and up to a Baby Quilt size. These are the sizes that are eligible for the FREE Quilting Giveaway! You can make it larger if you are quilting it yourself.
  • Winner or winners* will be announced on Jan. 24th 
  • More Information on last week's post! and about more winners!
You may use either of these photos, for your post about your scrappy quilt.  Please share the link to my blog, so others can join the fun. 

This scrappy quilt can be made in just an hour or so, if you have your squares and strips cut, depending on the size you make.  It is fun and easy!
Any other questions email me or leave a comment.
Enjoy your day!

Click here to the post about LINKING up!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Getting Up Close with My Quilting - Hearts From All Over the World to Create One Donation Quilt!

 Tonya from Hillbilly Handiworks organized a "Learn-A-Long" on paper piecing.  She shared a wonderful photo tutorial using my paper pieced Crazee Patch Heart. And a link to the Heart Pattern. 

These were the hearts that I sent to Tonya for the Heart Quilt.

 Several of you made Hearts and sent them to Tonya from all over the world.

She then assembled all the Hearts into a quilt and I volunteered to quilt and bind it.

 I decided to quilt it with a simple large meandering with hearts.

 I could have quilted around each heart and added wavy or wiggle lines in the borders, but it didn't need all that.

Sometimes that is all a quilt needs - just a basic large meandering with a few hearts.

I stitched the binding on with an all machine embroidery binding.  I think it gives the quilt a really nice finish!

I carefully trimmed all the loose threads, folded it up and got it ready to mail to the recipient.

I thought about rolling it up to put it in the box.  Either way will be just fine!
Tonya will share some pictures of the recipient and the quilt sometime soon. Thanks to all you who made a Crazee Patch Heart Block for the donation quilt.
We are talking about doing more donation quilts as a group from bloggers again... I'll volunteer to quilt them ... we will need volunteers to suggest a block and do a tutorial. Then we need to make the blocks and then send them to a volunteer to put the top together and mail it to me to quilt it. Then we would have to decide how to choose a recipient. Still thinking about how to organize it... any ideas?  I think we could at least make 4 group quilts a year!  What do you think?  Would you volunteer?  Any ideas? Still thinking?...

Enjoy your day!