Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Minutes for Me - Linky Party #12 Once a Month Sharing Party!

You can link up all month long!  
And link up several posts!
March 1st to March 31st
Any time during the month, when you have a post that you would like to share, just hop over, click on the link at the top of the blog and share your "Minutes for Me" -- your craft!
It's called Minutes for Me, because I want you to share what you love to do and link it up here!
See all the simple link up rules here. 
Most importantly don't forget the backlink of Thanks!
Here's a link to last month's Minutes for Me Party, if you would like to see what everyone shared last month.
Time to link up and share!
Remember to take time to play - Minutes for Me!
Enjoy your day!
Linky Party starts at Midnight.

This linky list is now closed.

Golden Quilter Awards at SewCalGal

I am helping Sew Cal Gal spread the word:
Nominations are now being accepted for candidates, for the 2012 Golden Quilter Awards, that have made a difference in the world of quilting, for the following categories:
  1. Best Quilt Designer
  2. Best Quilt Teacher/Instructor
  3. Best Quilt book Author
  4. Best Quilt Store (physical)
  5. Best Quilt Store (online)
  6. Best Longarm Quilter
  7. Most Innovative Product (physical)
  8. Most Innovative Product (software)
  9. Most influential person in the world of quilting to-date, aka "Lifetime Achievement"
  10. Best Quilt book publisher
Hop over to SewCalGal and read the post and submit your nominations!

They just opened on Monday and they will close on March 7, 2012. 

So hop over and check it out!
Help spread the word and grab her button and share a post.

Enjoy your day!


My Bingo Card for the May for Me Celebration and A Charm Giveaway!

Hop over to Vrooman's Quilts  and Sharon will explain how to assemble your Bingo Card Quilt.  I'll show you photos of mine here and share a Giveaway of charm squares to make a Bingo Card Quilt.  5 charm packs - 5 winners!

I got out my bins of charm squares!
Sorted by color.
Rotary cut the squares to the size Sharon says on her Bingo Card Tutorial.
This charm square had purple cats, green cats, and blue cats! I cut a purple cat for the purple row and I cut a green cat for the green row.
 My dragonfly was lavender, so I used the purple sharpie to make it purple.

 Lined them all up.
Stitched the rows together.
 Used the black sharpie marker to make the letters for BINGO on a strip of white fabric.  Added a black border and quilted it and bound it.
You saw my bin of charm squares...  Well, I am going to share them with you! Five of you!

I sorted and counted out about 27 charms squares and bagged them up - making sure I had at least 5 for each row and some assorted charms - where you can choose the color you use for your Bingo Card.  You will need 24 squares, but I included extra so you can make choices.
I made five packs of charm squares to giveaway!
Enter the Charm Squares Bingo Giveaway: 
   Please leave a comment. 
Make sure I can reply to you, so I can email you and get your address to mail your pack to you.
   Giveaway is open to everyone! I will mail internationally.
   I would love you to follow my blog, but it is not necessary to win, but appreciated.
   There will be 5 lucky winners!
   Drawing will be Friday at Midnight.  I will announce the winners on Saturday and I will contact the FIVE Winners by Email.  I will mail the charm packs out on Monday.

UPDATE:  The Giveaway Ended.  Winners will be announced on Saturday March 3, 2012 Thanks for entering!

The 5 packs of charm squares are all ready to giveaway!
It's a complete set plus a few extras for your Bingo Card Quilt.  Just cut them to size and sew it together!
Here are the four May for Me Host Blogs:  

Tonya at Hillbilly Handiworks

Hop over and check out their Bingo Cards!

Hop over to Vrooman's Quilts  and she will explain how to assemble your Bingo Card Quilt. 
Enjoy Leap Day!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Leap Day Giveaway - Only One Day to Enter to Win!

Update:  This Giveaway closed at Midnight on Feb. 29th.  Winners will be contacted by email and announced on March 1st. Thanks for entering!
Leap Day Giveaway

Elizabeth at Such a Sew and Sew is hosting a Leap Day Blog Hop Giveaway - You will only have one day to enter all the Giveaways! 

My Giveaway it open to everyone in the US AND  Internationally.
I am giving away three sets of Photo Note Cards!  That's 3 winners!

Set ONE - May for Me Photo Note Cards
Set TWO - Assorted set of Photo Note Cards
Set Three - Fabric and Toes Cards
So "Leap Up" and leave a comment to enter the Giveaway.

I would love you to follow my blog, but it is not necessary to win, but appreciated. Thanks!

My drawing will be at Midnight on the 29th and the 3 winners will be announced on March 1st.

Make sure I can reply to you or leave your email in  your comment. If you are a non reply blogger, I can't email you.  See my sidebar for information.

Leave a comment to enter to win my Giveaway!
Tell me which Photo Note Cards you like best!

Enter the other Leap Day Giveaways here.

Don't forget about the May for Me Celebration Announcement on Leap Day!  Plus another Giveaway!

Enjoy your day!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

If I had a Barn... an Imaginary Barn ...

                      ...It would look like this!
Here's a few photos of the quilting.
The circles are tiny --- Like the size of a pencil eraser.

The Morning Glories on the windmill are really tiny too --- smaller than an eraser on a pencil.  And keep in mind that I take close up photos  -- the stitches are really tiny too!
I love thread painting on raw edge applique'. It's like coloring!

 The wavy lines on the black fabric are about a 1/4 of an inch apart.  On the red fabric about 3/8 of an inch apart.

 Signed it with my name --- Marcia 2012.
Also stitched  If I had a Barn...
 Of course this is the back of my quilt.  You can see all the stitching and the thread colors.

 The Bloom Quilt on my imaginary barn measures 1 3/4 inches by 2 inches.

My finished quilt measures 14" by 24". 
Click here for the post about the process of creating my Imaginary Barn Quilt.  
I named it   "If I had a Barn Quilt".
My husband said the nicest thing to me tonight as he looked at my finished quilt :  "I wish I could build it for you!"  What a wonderful thought!
Enjoy your weekend!


Linked with:
Confessions of a Fabric Addict: Can I get a Whoop Whoop? - Feb. 24, 2012
Amy Lou Who: Sew and Tell - Feb. 23, 2012
Crazy Mom Quilts: Finish Up Friday - Feb. 23, 2012
Richard Quilts: Link a Finish Friday - Feb. 23, 2012
2805 Potpourri Party - Feb. 23, 2012
The Thrifty Groove: Thrifty Things Friday - Feb. 23, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

If I Had A Barn...

                         ...I'd put my "First Bloom Quilt" on the front of my barn.
So, I made a little tiny "First Bloom Quilt" to put on my imaginary barn.  I imagined I would have a large barn.  So large, that it wouldn't even fit on my quilt.  It would be huge!  I would fill it with quilts, fabric, and sewing machines.  People would come to sew and create quilts everyday in my imaginary barn with my imaginary barn quilt on it.
After I finished my quilt top, I pinned it onto my "First Bloom Quilt". It's ready to be quilted tomorrow.
I am sharing all the photos of how I created my quilt top. First, I want to say the items on my quilt are not size perspective and they are not meant to be.  Remember, I imagined this quilt.  In my imagination, some of the things are larger than others.  For example, the windmill is larger, so it would stand out, with the morning glory flowers growing on it.  
It's morning in my quilt. Can you hear the rooster?  I was born in the year of the Rooster, so I wanted to include a rooster.  I added the daisies, because we have them along our driveway. 
I found this cool red barn fabric and grass fabric in my stash. All the fabric for this quilt was from my stash.
Needed a curvy seam again!

Everywhere that I drew with the sharpie markers, I will quilt - thread paint with my quilting machine, tomorrow.
If I had barn . . .   I'd have my "First Bloom Quilt" proudly displayed on the front of the barn.  I imagine, I would spend a lot of time in my barn, sewing and quilting!  That's the kind of barn, I would have...

Thanks again, Kim from Project Quilting for inspiring me to imagine and create...
This week, we were to be inspired by Barn Quilts.
I can't wait until tomorrow to quilt and thread paint on my quilt.  I love using my imagination to create quilts.

Don't forget to take time to play --- Minutes for Me!
Do you remember my "First Bloom Quilt"?
 Linked with: