Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Minutes for Me - Linky Party #12 Once a Month Sharing Party!

You can link up all month long!  
And link up several posts!
March 1st to March 31st
Any time during the month, when you have a post that you would like to share, just hop over, click on the link at the top of the blog and share your "Minutes for Me" -- your craft!
It's called Minutes for Me, because I want you to share what you love to do and link it up here!
See all the simple link up rules here. 
Most importantly don't forget the backlink of Thanks!
Here's a link to last month's Minutes for Me Party, if you would like to see what everyone shared last month.
Time to link up and share!
Remember to take time to play - Minutes for Me!
Enjoy your day!
Linky Party starts at Midnight.

This linky list is now closed.

1 comment:

Miss Hillbilly said...

Three already linking up..Yay!